Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0)


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Table of ContentsPage

Recommendation / Background2
Candidate Snapshot3
Performance Factors4
Communication Factors5
Attitudinal Factors6

The Contact Center Screen™ is designed to help managers / recruiters make an informed decision about the suitability of a particular candidate seeking employment in a contact center environment. As such, the Contact Center Screen™ highlights each candidate’s inherent strengths and growth opportunities as they pertain to success in a customer service role, allowing for strategic placement, selection, and coaching decisions to be made in an informed manner.

John C. Marshall, PhD

CCS2 #7K2VJUSAUFG3 for SAMPLE SAMPLE on September 4, 2019

©2008-2019 Selection Testing Consultants Inc.

 Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0) (CCS2 #7K2VJUSAUFG3 for SAMPLE SAMPLE on September 4, 2019)Page 2 

Recommendation / Background

 Candidate Information: 
Address: 3300 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario M8X2X2
Telephone: 4167460444
Email Address:
Desired Location: * Sample Reports
Position: Sales




1. Select the response that best reflects your current position. Employed Full Time
2. If unemployed, how long have you been unemployed?  
3. If a student, how many years of school do you have left?  
4. What is the major reason you are currently looking for a job? Looking for a better opportunity
5. How much experience have you had in a hospitality or service environment? 5 or more
6. How many previous jobs have you had the hospitality or service industry? 3
7. In your current position, what percentage of your time is spent interacting with customers? 100% of my time
8. How many management / supervisory positions have you held in the past? 1
9. How many different jobs have you had in the past 5 years? 1
10. Please rate how you think you would do in a customer service role. Excellent
11. How long would it take you to get to work at the location that you applied to? 30 min to 1 hour
12. Do you have any family members or friends that work for our company? No
13. What is your level of education? University/College Graduate
14. If you attended University, College or Trade School, please indicate which one:  
  a. Location of University, College or Trade School:  
  b. Your course of study:  
©2008-2019 Selection Testing Consultants Inc.
 Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0) (CCS2 #7K2VJUSAUFG3 for SAMPLE SAMPLE on September 4, 2019)Page 3 

Candidate Snapshot

Enterprising Potential
High Initiative / ProactiveResponsive
Achievement Potential
Challenge / Financial GainPeople / Relationships
Independence Potential
IndependentPrefers Structure
People Orientation
Outgoing / SociableBuilds Relationships Over Time
Analytical Orientation
AnalyticalOverlooks Detail
Comfort With Conflict
Very Comfortable With ConflictAvoids Conflict
Self Confidence
Very ConfidentGrowth Opportunity
Lifestyle Management
Well Developed Coping StrategiesGrowth Opportunity
Attitudes About a Service Career
Very Positive Attitudes About A Service CareerNegative Attitudes About A Service Career
Reliability of Results (Honesty Scale)
Potentially Unreliable ResultsReliable Results
©2008-2019 Selection Testing Consultants Inc.
 Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0) (CCS2 #7K2VJUSAUFG3 for SAMPLE SAMPLE on September 4, 2019)Page 4 

Performance Factors

Enterprising Potential
High Initiative / ProactiveResponsive

SAMPLE would be described as fairly assertive, competitive and goal-oriented by nature. He/She is suited to taking initiative in most situations and will be able to work effectively in more fluid and adaptive environments. SAMPLE has the potential to motivate him/herself without frequent input from a manager / supervisor and should work well with a manager who coaches and consults rather than directs. Finally, SAMPLE is a very goal-oriented individual and therefore will always be directing his/her efforts towards the attainment of these objectives. As such, he/she may require a lot of task variety and will likely appreciate situations where there are multiple things that need to be accomplished. Therefore, it would be recommended to keep SAMPLE as busy as possible, as people with his/her natural disposition are susceptible to boredom.

Interview Suggestions
1. Outline a situation in which you developed a plan, and subsequently implemented it successfully.
2. Describe a situation that illustrates that you are someone who takes initiative.
3. What characteristics do you possess that make you a strong self manager?
4. What daily habits do you have that help you to meet your goals?

Achievement Potential
Challenge / Financial GainPeople / Relationships

SAMPLE possesses a modest sense of urgency and likely balances his/her efforts and motivation between short and long term goals. When interacting with customers, he/she will handle their needs in a timely manner, yet pay particular attention to being thorough and precise. SAMPLE is a stable and dependable employee, and is very methodical and deliberate in all that he/she does. With respect to closing business, he/she will likey wait until a relatively strong relationship has been forged before asking for the business. SAMPLE will also be effective in a more service-oriented role.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe a situation where you had to complete a task under very tight time constraints. What strategies did you employ in order to be successful?
2. If you had a choice, would you prefer to work in an environment where you were responsible for several tasks at one time, or an environment where you could focus on just one task at a time? Explain your answer?
3. What are the things that motivate you to do well in a service-oriented role? Why?
4. Describe for me a situation that illustrates that you are a patient person.

Independence Potential
IndependentPrefers Structure

SAMPLE would be described as cooperative, obliging, efficient and conscientious. He/She would function most effectively in a group environment; however, one in which individual initiative is promoted and recognized. He/She will appreciate, and in some cases rely on, early supervision but will expect less guidance after gaining the relevant experience. He/She would be expected to integrate well within an organization's existing systems and work well with a group of peers who are similar in nature.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe the work environment that you have found most suitable to your personality.
2. What do you like most about working independently? In a group?
3. Describe your ideal manager.
4. Describe a situation where you worked independently in a group / team context. How did the group coordinate their efforts?

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Communication Factors

People Orientation
Outgoing / SociableBuilds Relationships Over Time

SAMPLE is extremely sociable, cheerful, friendly and outgoing. He/She is enthusiastic and a fluent talker who is able to build relationships easily. He/She is quite comfortable with other people and thoroughly enjoys being in social environments. He/She will be able to work well in an environment where there is regular contact with new customers and would represent the organization well. As such, he/she possesses the social skills normally associated with success in a service/sales role.

Interview Suggestions
1. What do you enjoy most about meeting new people?
2. What attributes do you possess that allow you to be a people person?
3. What do you see as your potential growth opportunities in the area of communication?
4. What steps can you take to improve in these areas?

Analytical Orientation
AnalyticalOverlooks Detail

SAMPLE is very analytical, logical and interested in a variety of issues. He/She pays attention to detail and tends to examine issues until he/she feels that he/she understands them. He/She would be comfortable in a culture that has a significant problem solving component, while dealing with technical needs would likely interest him/her as well. He/She would also enjoy learning about new ideas and products and might be paired effectively with less analytical team members. As a coach, provide SAMPLE with a lot of detail and explanation about his/her performance, as he/she craves this additional information and ultimately requires it to improve.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe some of the strategies that you use to organize you daily activities.
2. List any personal development courses / certifications that you have taken in the past.
3. What steps do you take to ensure accuracy when completing a task and/or making a decision?

Comfort With Conflict
Very Comfortable With ConflictAvoids Conflict

SAMPLE tends to be comfortable in situations where there is a potential for conflict. He/She would be relatively relaxed in situations where conflict is a common occurrence or there is ongoing tension that requires his/her intervention. This is a very useful strength when dealing with angry clientele. Overall, SAMPLE likely possesses the attributes required to diffuse situations of interpersonal conflict effectively.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe one of your previous working environments that included a lot of argument and conflict. How did you manage to work effectively in this environment?
2. How would you handle an unruly (e.g., rude, profane, disrespectful) customer?
3. Describe a situation where you had to deal with an angry customer. What was the outcome? Is there anything you would do differently looking back?

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Attitudinal Factors

Self Confidence
Very ConfidentGrowth Opportunity

SAMPLE is an extremely confident individual who does not have any doubt in his/her mind that he/she has what it takes to be successful in the service industry. SAMPLE has a strong internal locus of control, which means that he/she will take accountability for both his/her successes and failures. It is important to note that individuals with self confidence scores this high can sometimes be perceived by others as arrogant. As such, it will be important for SAMPLE to be cognizant of this fact.

Interview Suggestions
1. If I was to ask your best friend to describe you, what would he/she say?
2. If I had to ask your worst enemy to describe you, what would they say? (look for honest answers - indicates strong self awareness and confidence that the good outweighs the bad)
3. What separates you from other candidates applying for this position?

Lifestyle Management
Well Developed Coping StrategiesGrowth Opportunity

SAMPLE has well defined coping strategies in place, and as such, is not adversely affected by workplace stress. Moreover, he/she reports high pressure and stressful situations to be facilitative with respect to performance, and thus welcomes such challenges. Overall, SAMPLE could likely act as a mentor or stress coach within your organization by passing on some of his/her personal strategies to those who may require help.

Interview Suggestions
1. What types of situations cause you to experience heightened levels of stress? How do you normally cope with these situations?
2. What are your most effective stress management techniques? Why do you think they are so effective?
3. What attributes do you possess that allow you to manage stress effectively?

Attitudes About a Service Career
Very Positive Attitudes About A Service CareerNegative Attitudes About A Service Career

SAMPLE possesses a positive attitude about a service career. Both his/her personal perceptions, as well as his/her perception of society's view of contact centers would be considered favorable. Such a positive outlook about a contact center career can unquestionably influence an individual's performance, especially when interacting with clients. As such, SAMPLE will likely project a positive and upbeat image when interacting with customers.

Interview Suggestions
1. How does this job move you towards your long term career goal?
2. What do you see as the advantages of this job? Disadvantages?

Reliability of Results (Honesty Scale)
Potentially Unreliable ResultsReliable Results

SAMPLE's responses are above the cut-off for this scale. As such, SAMPLE may have been trying to present him/herself in a socially desirable manner, in hopes of appearing as a stronger candidate. There are a variety of reasons why this score can be elevated (e.g., language barriers), however the most common reason is socially desirable responding. Please proceed with him/her cautiously.

©2008-2019 Selection Testing Consultants Inc.