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AutoSalesPro Science Score2
Snapshot of Sales Potential3
Selection and Developmental Considerations
     Business Development4
     Motivational Factors/Achievement Potential5
     Critical Sales Attitudes7
Call/Approach Reluctance
     Managing Rejection9
     Prospecting Orientation10
     Commitment to Product11
     Commitment to a Sales Career12
Summary of Sales Potential13
Responses from Opinions Section14
Candidate Feedback
     Your Personal Strengths1
     Career Planning2

SPRO# TN6IHOLQLARC for Candidate Applier on May 28, 2021

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AutoSalesPro Science Score




 Score Rating
BD = Business Development
Predicts Daily Activity and Survival
If BD 100 or more5
If BD 75 - 994
If BD is less than 753
AP = Achievement Potential
Describes Motivational Factors and Predicts Closing Style
SS = Structure
Describes the Comfort and Need for Structure and Systems

Subtract 1 if:
AP is less than -15
SS is less than 25


see page 5
SC = Self Confidence
Reflects Feelings of Being in Control
MR = Managing Rejection

Subtract 1 if:
SC is less than 40
MR is less than 40


see page 9
FINAL SalesProTM RATING (min.=1)

Science Rating
Above Average
ProceedProceed with CautionRedirect
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Snapshot of Sales Potential

Sales Fit
Competitive SellingRelationship SellingService
Business Development

Motivational Structure
Primary Motivator:
Safety and Security
Very ImportantNot Important
Secondary Motivator:
People and/or Service and/or Recognition
Very ImportantNot Important

Communication Style
Dominant Style:
Detail Orientation
Learns Only Practical AspectsFactual/ Analytical
Back-up Style:
People Orientation
   Team Orientation
Team MemberTeam Leader

HighGoodGrowth Opportunity

HighGoodGrowth Opportunity

Client Orientation/Closing Style
PersistentPersistent/ PursuasivePersuasive

Service Orientation
People then ServiceService at a Technical Level
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Business Development (BD)

His/Her score on the BD Scale would indicate a good inclination toward being comfortable in specific sales environments. A strong systematic approach to developing good basic work habits would help in the area of activity planning and personal time management. With additional coaching support, he/she will invest effort in daily sales and business development activities. He/She would be most comfortable in a sales position that required some initiation of new client contact with a balance of client maintenance. The self-management of effort will improve his/her productivity and ensure a satisfying career in sales.

Drive & Ambition Less Drive & Ambition

Structured Interview Questions
• Ask him/her to describe a work situation in which he/she had to plan his/her daily activities, manage his/her time and be responsible for focusing his/her own effort to get the job done.
• Ask him/her to outline any self-initiated skills training.
• Verify details with his/her references.

Developmental Suggestions
Help build on this potential strength by offering additional instruction and coaching in personal planning and time management skills. A relatively structured approach to planning complemented by additional training and on-going observation will help him/her perform effectively. A well monitored activity plan will help him/her achieve his/her sales objectives.


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Motivational Factors/Achievement Potential (AP)

This result on the AP Scale indicates that he/she is motivated by a balance of security and service and/or recognition. He/She would enjoy a sales position that focused primarily on building good client relationships. He/She would monitor his/her effectiveness based meeting the needs of his/her clients and the perceived levels of client satisfaction. Repeat business and client loyalty would often result from his/her preferred sales approach. He/She would be comfortable only selling a product or service that had personal significance. Servicing a well established client base would be the ideal match. Responding to a customer's stated needs and gently persuading the customer through discussion is his/her natural inclination. He/She would tend to feel that customers will realize they NEED additional products and/or services as a result of the effective delivery of service.

SellingSelling & ServicingServicing

Structured Interview Questions
• Ask him/her to describe how he/she would develop a business relationship with an established client.
• Would his/her approach change with a new client?
• Ask him/her what he/she would say to get referrals from a satisfied customer.
• Check his/her references for his/her ability to form relationships.

Developmental Suggestions
Training in skills which maximize the delivery of top quality customer service as a follow up to the sales process would build on his/her existing desire to provide service. Coaching and initial training should focus on a thorough understanding of the product or service and the many benefits that have been realized by existing customers. Strategies for delivering follow-up services to create renewal or maintenance opportunities would help him/her with his/her overall commitment to the sales/service career. Coaching in the self management of effort and activities that relate to the servicing process will help him/her develop successful work habits. He/She will be motivated to provide consistently strong performance when recognition for doing the right thing for the customer is emphasized.


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Structure (SS)

His/Her score on the SS scale indicates that he/she would be very comfortable with a successful organization that has proven, well-established structure and systems. He/She would be very coachable and would display a strong commitment to existing structure after the initial training. He/She would be considered a good team player and could be relied on to follow mutually agreed to team strategies and procedures. He/She will be very attentive during the initial training and try to integrate all suggested ideas and approaches.

Doesn't Need StructureWorks Within StructureNeeds a Lot of Structure

Structured Interview Questions
• Ask him/her to highlight examples from his/her previous work situations in which he/she has operated essentially on a strong teamwork basis.
• In his/her previous job, what new systems did he/she integrate into his/her daily activities?
• What were the important things he/she learned from his/her previous manager or coach?
• You should expect good feedback from his/her references.

Developmental Suggestions
He/She will expect his/her coach or manager to offer direction and guidance on the systems that he/she would be required to follow. Regular feedback sessions would help him/her evaluate how effectively he/she is integrating into the new structure. Training and development of self management skills, including both self evaluation and self reinforcement strategies, would help maintain good habits after the initial intensive training. He/She will also be receptive to the influence and advice of associates and peers, therefore it will be important to match him/her to team members who are similar in terms of team orientation.


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Critical Sales Attitude I: People Orientation

He/She is very comfortable meeting new people and would enjoy interaction with others as an important component of his/her work environment.

 Extroverted Introverted

Structured Interview Questions
• Ask him/her to describe a situation where he/she was required to work productively with a wide variety of personalities.

Developmental Suggestions
He/She will derive a great of satisfaction from working with a coach and fellow employees who are similarly people oriented.

Critical Sales Attitude II: Technical Orientation

He/She would enjoy a business environment that offers an opportunity for continual growth and development from a technical and intellectual point of view. He/She would be considered to possess a good amount of fluid intelligence.

 High Low

Structured Interview Questions
• Ask him/her to describe any creative or innovative ideas he/she developed in his/her current or previous job.
• What does he/she do to keep current with technical developments?

Developmental Suggestions
Help him/her design an intensive technical training process that includes self learning and formal instruction. He/She could be used as a technical expert for both clients and associates.


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Overall Score = 22

Coach to SuccessNeeds TrainingCaution

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Managing Rejection

Coach to SuccessNeeds TrainingVery Sensitive

His/Her average score on the managing rejection scale indicates that he/she could be quite sensitive during the sales process and would require additional coaching and training strategies to be an effective performer. He/She would require reasonably structured sales tracks that allow for individual input and ongoing development.

Question Analysis
Item analysis reveals that his/her responses to the following items give rise to some concern with respect to this scale.
• I avoid actions that might make other people dislike me.
• It is very important to push people to buy a product or service after you have established they need it.
• To be successful in sales, I must change my image.
• I would rather approach a potential new client by telephone than in person.
• I have met very few people whom I do not like.

Candidate Interview Questions
• What are the major qualities you would like to develop that would help you become successful with us?
• What qualities do you have to change?
• What actions or behaviors do you dislike in other people?
• Describe a situation where a salesperson pushed you to buy? Did you buy? Why or why not?
• What aspects of your image would you change to be successful in sales? Why are these changes important for success?
• How do your family and friends usually react to telephone calls from salespeople? How do you usually react?
• Who is the most popular salesperson you know? Why is that individual so popular?


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Prospecting Orientation

Coach to SuccessNeeds TrainingRequires Leads/Traffic

He/She would tend to be reluctant to approach specific contacts in his/her natural market and might avoid business networking at both formal and informal social gatherings. He/She would need coaching on the benefits of consistent prospecting and networking. An extremely strong commitment to product and a well developed sales track would be prerequisites to consistent activity and high level performance.

Question Analysis
Item analysis reveals that his/her responses to the following items give rise to some concern with respect to this scale.
• It is easier to sell to friends than to strangers.
• My family and friends are a good source of sales.
• Informal social events are a good source of sales contacts.
• I feel comfortable promoting myself and my company at a social gathering.

Candidate Interview Questions
• Do you have friends or family that sell a product or service that you would not like to sell? Who and why?
• Why is it more difficult to sell to strangers than to your friends?
• Who do you see as your best sources of sales? Why? How do you plan on developing a client base within these sources?
• To be successful in sales, how important is it to combine social and business activities?
• How do you feel about salespeople who promote their products or company at social gatherings?


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Commitment to Product

Less NecessaryDesirableEssential

He/She would need to develop a commitment to the product in order to be successful selling it. It is possible that he/she would have problems prospecting in his/her natural market because of this need for belief in the product. If he/she is able to prospect, the type of feedback he/she receives will have impact on how he/she feels about the product. If he/she were reluctant to prospect or the feedback proves neutral or negative, this would indicate an attitudinal block to selling. If he/she were hired, he/she would require coaching to help him/her understand the benefits of the product very early in his/her career.

Question Analysis
Item analysis reveals that his/her responses to the following items give rise to some concern with respect to this scale.
• The only products I could sell are those that I believe in totally.

Candidate Interview Questions
• How do our products and services compare to others you are aware of?


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Commitment to a Sales Career

HighSelective CareersSpecific Careers Only

He/She would probably avoid talking about his/her career when he/she is involved in social or personal events. As a result he/she might miss a number of opportunities to advance his/her sales performance through informal and formal networking strategies. If the position involves a requirement for continuous prospecting and business development, his/her perspective of the sales career might create a problem. It is surprising that he/she is considering a career in sales.

Question Analysis
Item analysis reveals that his/her responses to the following items give rise to some concern with respect to this scale.
• Salespeople have a positive public image.

Candidate Interview Questions
• Who is the most successful salesperson you know? In your opinion, what are the major characteristics that helped that individual become successful?
• What is the image of a salesperson according to the general public?


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Summary of Sales Potential

 Ideal Mild Caution Strong Caution

Drive & Ambition Less Drive & Ambition

SellingSelling & ServicingServicing

Doesn't Need StructureWorks Within StructureNeeds a Lot of Structure

High Selling AbilityService SellingLow Selling Ability

 Extroverted Introverted
 High Low

 Investigate OK
 High Low
 Does Well Doesn't Do Well
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Responses from Opinions Section

1=Don't Agree At All2=Agree A Little3=Somewhat Agree4=Moderately Agree5=Definitely Agree

1.  I am successful at most aspects of my life (2)
2.  To be a successful salesperson, it is necessary to get a potential buyer to like me (3)
3.  Chance determines most things (1)
4.  It is easier to sell to friends than to strangers (5)
5.  Effort gets results (2)
6.  Good products usually sell themselves (1)
7.  I am often influenced by others (1)
8.  I avoid actions that might make other people dislike me (5)
9.  I have never told a lie (1)
10.  Most mistakes can be avoided (3)
11.  It is important that people approve of me (1)
12.  Success is mostly luck (3)
13.  My family and friends are a good source of sales (1)
14.  People get the respect they deserve (3)
15.  Aggressive salespeople usually make a good income but have less repeat business (3)
16.  Salespeople have a positive public image (1)
17.  I let the organization define my training needs (3)
18.  I find it easy to make new acquaintances (4)
19.  Employees often influence company policies (1)
20.  I would have no problem selling to my family and friends (3)
21.  All my habits are good and desirable ones (2)
22.  People's good qualities are seldom recognized (3)
23.  I never envy others their good luck (1)
24.  Hard work brings success (3)
25.  In a group, if a person doesn't like me I feel uncomfortable (2)
26.  Mistakes are inevitable (3)
27.  My first sales should be to my family and friends (4)
28.  I have never been late for work or for an appointment (4)
29.  I can be whatever I choose to be (3)
30.  I adapt to what I think others expect of me (1)
31.  I have never boasted or bragged (5)
32.  My performance depends on the situation (5)
33.  Informal social events are a good source of sales contacts (1)
34.  I have never said anything unkind about anyone else (3)
35.  The right decision can change things (3)
36.  It is very important to push people to buy a product or service after you have established a need (2)
37.  What will happen will happen (2)
38.  Most people would prefer not to deal with salespeople any more than necessary (2)
39.  Ordinary people can influence government (1)
40.  No one is ever rude to me (4)
41.  To be successful in sales, I must change my image (5)
42.  I have little influence over my work environment (2)
43.  I often refer salespeople to my family and friends (5)
44.  My opinion is always the correct one (5)
45.  A good plan can avoid mistakes (1)
46.  I would rather approach a potential new client by telephone than in person (5)
47.  Plans never work out (1)
48.  The only products that I could sell are those that I believe in totally (5)
49.  Effort is my responsibility (4)
50.  I have met very few people whom I do not like (1)
51.  Others have interfered with my success (5)
52.  I feel comfortable promoting myself and my company at social gatherings (2)
53.  There is no such thing as luck (3)
54.  I get upset when salespeople call me at home (3)
55.  Things happen mostly by accident (1)
56.  I have bought a product or service mainly because of the salesperson (3)
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An Overview of Your Personal Characteristics & Career Strengths


Your Personal Strengths1
Career Planning2

SPRO# TN6IHOLQLARC for Candidate Applier on May 28, 2021

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Your Personal Strengths

In Terms of Enterprising vs. Support Role Possibilities
You would be described as quite competitive, enterprising, assertive, determined and goal oriented. You will attempt to find new and different ways to reach your personal and work objectives and you can be self-evaluative of your performance. With appropriate training, you would find that for many goals, objectives or requirements, you would be able to develop your own plan, manage your time and focus your effort on a daily basis to reach those goals.

In Terms of Your Style and Strength of Various Motivators
You would be described as being extremely calm, stable, steady, unhurried, cooperative and dependable. People would see you as deeply committed to helping meet the needs of other people and only minimally oriented to self centered needs. You would find the best expression of your special motivational pattern, the best utilization of your talents and your greatest satisfaction and productivity in an opportunity which has a clear mandate to work towards improving the quality of life of those persons receiving its services.

In Terms of Your Independence vs. Your Need to be in the 'Team'
You would be described as quite cooperative, obliging, efficient, conscientious, painstaking and team oriented. Generally, you would be easy on others and quite accepting of structure. You would be considered a loyal individual who could work well within a variety of settings. Systematic policies and procedures would be valued working conditions desired in the business opportunity.

In Terms of Your Orientation Towards the 'People' Side of Business
You would be described as quite sociable, enthusiastic, cheerful, genial and outgoing. You would enjoy personal relationships and interactions, and would have the ability to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction and present a strong personal and professional public image. You might be very sensitive to rejection in some circumstances.

In Terms of Your Orientation Towards Technical and Practical Concerns
You are extremely logical, reflective, analytical, factual and very practical. You enjoy things that challenge your capacity to learn. For the sake of interest as well as necessity, you will become an expert in things that intrigue and challenge you. You like to be creative and conceptual. You would enjoy solving intellectual challenges by thoroughly investigating the facts and data associated with a particular problem. Your introspective and self-controlled behavior may be interpreted sometimes by others as being preoccupied.

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Career Planning

What Types of Opportunities Should You Look For?

+ Look for opportunities to develop your self-management potential by training in personal time management and personal and business activity planning. The opportunity to put the skills you develop into use is important for you.

+ Look for opportunities in an organization which is visibly engaged in some process which has really significant social or human merit. This might include work aimed at helping people create a better quality of life for others.

+ You should look for an opportunity that is stable in an established work environment. Your preference should be to work within a recognized team type environment. For even greater satisfaction, you should find an organization that you can identify with and respect for their products and services.

+ You should look for a situation that provides you with people contact or some public relations opportunities. You derive satisfaction from interaction with other people in both personal and work environments.

+ Look for a situation that offers intellectual challenges and an opportunity to learn and grow in your field of endeavours. You would be happy in a situation that is analytical, technical, involves discovery learning and is detail oriented.

What Types of Opportunities Should You Avoid?

- Avoid situations that are absolutely and rigorously structured. You have the potential to be a relatively good self-manager and you need some flexibility to allow you to develop and use these skills for both success in your professional pursuits and for your personal satisfaction.

- Avoid opportunities whose sole visible purpose is the amassing of profits. If the opportunity has no apparent human value or social merit to what it does, you might have difficulty in committing to its goals.

- Avoid work environments which have poor or very inexperienced operational personnel and those that have high demand to work exclusively on your own with little opportunity for interaction with other associates.

- You should avoid opportunities that have only limited feedback from others. You should also not be in situations that isolate you from others.

- You should avoid situations which are simplistic, boring and intellectually undemanding. An environment that does not offer growth and learning opportunities would not appeal to you and would limit your likelihood of outstanding performance.

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