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Principles of Self-Management

Think of the times when you have been the happiest, most productive, and most successful. Now think about how you would do if you performed like that all the time!

It's not impossible. Good performance is almost always related to strong self-management -- and when you recognize the self-managing strategies behind your best achievements, you can begin to use them more often.

This book, based on twenty years of helping and learning from seminar participants, will help you to understand self-management and to become a better self-manager. Everyone is a self-manager, at least some of the time. But few people are self-managers fully, consistently, or systematically. This book shows you when and why you have succeeded through self-management, and helps you identify opportunities to realize your potential.

As a self-manager, you will address every aspect of your life, developing and committing to practical strategies for growth and improvement. We believe this book can help you attain greater personal and professional success. Self-management skills will make you more organized, more productive, more satisfied, and more personally fulfilled. This may sound like a tall order! But what we promise is really no more than the best you can ask of yourself, consistently, on a daily basis.

PLUS (Personal/Professional Longevity Under Stress): Being the Best You Can Be

You know you've got it-everybody has. What is the solution?

Before you can answer that question, it's important to ask this one: What is the problem? Stress can't be eliminated from our lives and if it could be, we might be no better off!

This book offers a system that will allow you to live with, and even benefit from, the pressures we all experience in our personal and professional lives. It describes the four elements of a stress management program that can be tailored to your individual circumstances, whether you are juggling family and work commitments, dealing with full-time parenting, or facing the new pressures of retirement or other life changes.

As a stress manager, you will learn to recognize ineffective coping techniques and their dangerous consequences. You will identify the ways that you best handle and reduce stress, and you can develop an increasingly sophisticated variety of stress strategies. And by self-managing your attitudes and behaviors, you will enhance your happiness and your productivity-every day.

Based on the Self Management Group's successful workshops -- and its fundamental self-management philosophy this book will show you not only how to make things better, but how to be the best you can be!

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