
Suitability for Customer Care Service and Sales

for Sample Person March 8, 2014


I. Prediction of Sales and Service Potential1
II. Sales and Service Competencies2
III. Coach to Success3
IV. Communication Style7
V. Attitudes9
VI. Emotional Intelligence12
VII. Summary of Scores13
VIII. Responses From Opinions Section14

The CustomerCarePro™ is designed to provide insights into the strengths of individuals who will be managing customer relationships within a customer contact center culture. By identifying and understanding personal strengths as well as identifying growth opportunities, managers and supervisors will have more information relevant to fitting people to customer care roles. This profile will also provide managers with suggestions on how to coach service people more effectively.
John C. Marshall, Ph.D.

ID# 002107048619 for Sample Person on March 8, 2014

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I. Prediction of Sales and Service Potential

Prediction of Sales Potential
An indication of the individual's natural approach to selling and best fit within the customer care culture. 
Outbound Selling Cross Selling Service/Inbound service

Business Development
Reflects the person's approach to creating new business development opportunities 
Coach to Excellence With Training Not Likely

Approach to Client
An indicator of how aggressively the individual will pursue the business opportunity once it has been identified 
Hard/Persistent Soft/Persistent Potential Weak Closer

Need for Script and/or Structure
The degree to which the person will accept the structure and script used in customer care selling 
Does not want Works within guidelines Depends on it

Managing Rejection
An indicator of the individual's ability to manage rejection during a customer contact 
Handles Well Handles OK Very Uncomfortable

A People Person?
Reflects individual's approach to building relationships with new contacts. 
Definitely People are OK Not interested

Detail Orientation
Reflects the individual's approach to technical detail. 
Analytical As required Not Detail Oriented

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II. Sales and Service Competencies

Goal Orientation
An indication of the individual's natural approach to goal setting.  
Short Term/Intense Long Term/Relaxed

A Self-Manager?
Evaluates the extent to which the individual manages self effectively without coaching or a process. 
A Natural With Coaching Needs Process

Communication Style
Reflects the person's natural style of communicating with others on an interpersonal basis 
Ask/Listen Balanced Tell the Person

Comfort with Conflict
Refers to the individual's natural reaction to a situation where there is conflict or the potential for it 
Comfortable Handles OK Uncomfortable

An indicator of the individual's probable primary loyalty 
Company Focus Client/Company Self Interest

Decision Making
Reflects the individual's probable approach to making decisions 
Decisive Indecisive

Overall Attitude
Reflects the individual's attitudes and how they will effect customers and prospects 
Very Positive Some Concerns

An evaluation of the individual's feelings of being in control and taking ownership of various issues 
Feels in Control Average Confidence Low Confidence

Managing Lifestyle
Evaluates individual's approach to integrating demanding career with busy lifestyle 
Manages very well Manages Needs Coping Strategy

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III. Coach to Success

Self-Management/Business Development


Nancy would be described as somewhat competitive, enterprising, assertive and goal oriented. She is balanced between responding to the needs of others and initiating activity on her own. She has the potential to become a good self-manager with some training to help with issues such as self-evaluation, developing the ability to self motivate and directing herself more effectively. She would be well suited to most customer care roles that combine responsiveness to the client with the opportunity to plan and execute her other tasks and activities. She will likely work well with a manager who provides clear guidance and coaches without being overly directive.

She should be able to follow a sales process effectively while making suitable adjustments, if required.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe how you developed your daily plan in your current (previous) position.

  • How often do you review your progress?

  • Outline a situation where you had to respond to the needs of a demanding customer.

  • What did you learn from the experience? How have you made use of what you learned?

Coaching Suggestions

  • Help Nancy to develop in a role which will continue to build on the strengths that she has developed in her previous experience.

  • Match her with a mentor who is a strong self-manager.

  • Schedule a regular progress review procedure.

  • Help her manage herself more effectively by varying the amount of guidance and direction she receives.

  • Coach her to understand that discovering the additional services that your customers need is an important service in itself.

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III. Coach to Success (continued)

Approach to Client (Sales and Service)

Results FocusBalanced

Nancy has a motivational structure that is balanced between seeking challenge and concern for the needs of other people. She is comfortable working on short-term goals as they lead toward long term objectives. Nancy would operate most effectively in an environment that includes a mixture of established functions and new challenges.

Nancy's motivational profile will allow her to be effective in a sales as service role where there are consistent, achievable sales targets.

Interview Suggestions

  • Have you developed any business goals for the next year? What are they?

  • How do your short-term goals lead to your long-term goals?

  • Describe some of your most recent achievements.

  • Who set the goals that you reached? Were you part of the process?

  • Describe a situation where you helped a customer make a decision on purchasing a product or service. Did you perform well?

Coaching Suggestions

  • Coach her to focus on the needs of the customer and help her understand how her own goals can be met by meeting customer needs.

  • Help Nancy with goal setting so that customer expectations are being met.

  • Coach her to be an effective closer if she is required to sell as part of her customer care function. She would tend to be persuasive rather than persistent in pushing for additional business.

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III. Coach to Success (continued)

Need for Script and/or Structure (Environmental Fit)

Prefers to CreateFollows Guidelines

Nancy would be described as cooperative, obliging and conscientious. She would function effectively in a system which is well-organized but allows for individual initiative. She will accept a script during initial training but may expect some room for adaptation after gaining the relevant experience. She would be expected to integrate with existing systems and work well with a group of peers who are similar in nature.

Nancy will function effectively in a structured, well-scripted process which is designed to deal with customer care issues. She would be helped by an effective process that integrates service and sales issues during customer contact.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe the work environment that you found most suitable. Why does it work for you?

  • How much structure are you willing to accept in a customer care role?

  • Outline a situation where you worked in a very unstructured environment. What did you do to improve the situation?

  • Describe a situation where you were forced to develop new procedures. Were they implemented as new procedures?

Coaching Suggestions

  • Coach Nancy to follow the existing system until she is aware of how well it meets the customers' needs.

  • Encourage her to use her team orientation to her advantage by listening to how her peers and others deal with the various issues.

  • Coach her to explore different approaches to problems in order to produce better results.

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III. Coach to Success (continued)

Comfort with Conflict

ComfortableAvoids Conflict

Nancy is relatively comfortable in situations where there is some conflict but would be more at ease in an environment where conflict was neither the normal state of affairs nor too intense. She will be suited to roles dealing with some conflict if the organization has strategies, processes and training that will help resolve conflict.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe a working environment of yours that included a lot of conflict.

  • How did you feel about that environment? How would you have changed it?

  • How did you deal with the conflict?

Coaching Suggestions

  • Assign Nancy to customer care roles where there may be conflict but it is not an integral part.

  • Communications and conflict resolution skills training will help her deal with conflict situations more effectively.

  • Assertiveness training may help Nancy feel more comfortable with conflict.

  • Help her understand that most conflict situations are not her fault.

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IV. Communication Style

Social Orientation

Warm/Friendly/SociableBuilds Relationships over Longer Term

Nancy is sociable, friendly and outgoing in a variety of roles and situations. She is at ease building relationships and is quite comfortable meeting new people. She would be considered effective at an interpersonal level and would work well in an environment where there is regular contact with a variety of people.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe your approach to building an effective relationship with someone you have just met.

  • What do you do differently if you are not able to see the other person?

  • What are your strengths as a communicator? How can you use them in customer care?

  • What are your goals with regard to growth in interpersonal areas? What are you doing to improve in these areas?

Coaching Suggestions

  • Build conscious competence by helping her understand that the ability to work well with others is a strength in customer care.

  • Coach her to develop her knowledge of key services and products being offered so that she can share that information effectively.

  • Suggest that she give presentations at meetings with customers and peers.

  • If Nancy's comfort dealing with others can be combined with product and service knowledge, she may become an effective coach or mentor in areas where she has demonstrable expertise.

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IV. Communication Style (cont'd)

Analytical Orientation

Systematic/AnalyticalLearns the Necessities

Nancy would be described as analytical and attentive to detail. She would be comfortable with both the technical and non-technical issues related to customer care. She would enjoy the problem solving that is part of customer care and her analytical nature would make her suitable for data mining and other technical roles if combined with the appropriate inherent abilities and skill set.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe a situation where you were able to solve a problem that others had not been able to handle.

  • What makes you an effective problem solver?

  • What are some of the challenges that may effect how we provide customer care?

Coaching Suggestions

  • Nancy is suitable for projects which emphasize developing new concepts and problem solving. She will respond well to being reinforced for her expertise.

  • Encourage her to express herself as concisely and clearly as possible when dealing with others.

  • Provide her with fresh problems and challenges in order to maintain her interest.

  • Assign her to customer care roles which require thorough investigation of customer issues.

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V. Attitudes


Feels in Control/Internally DirectedFeels Controlled by External Factors

Nancy has a healthy self-confidence, making her feel that she is able to handle most situations on her own. This profile indicates an individual who accepts the responsibility for her own performance and who expects to succeed in virtually all she attempts.

Interview Suggestions

Coaching Suggestions

  • Maintain Nancy's self-confidence by reinforcing her good feelings about herself.

  • If Nancy ever appears arrogant, remind her that it is important to feel good about oneself but also important to avoid the appearance of arrogance.

  • Help her to commit to achieving and exceeding agreed upon performance levels.

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V. Attitudes (continued)

Lifestyle Management

Handling Stress WellStress Management Training Would Help

Nancy appears to manage her energy and deal with stress very well. She will be able to work to deadlines and manage difficult situations and demanding users without suffering the negative effects of stress. Pressure and her ability to cope with stress effectively should even enhance her performance in challenging situations.
* The ability to adapt and cope effectively with stress can be a large asset in any business environment, particularly one filled with demanding users and clients. Nancy may become helpful as a resource to help others learn stress coping strategies.

Coaching Suggestions

  • Nancy may need continual challenge from her work environment to avoid boredom.

  • She may be an effective mentor for those who could benefit from learning how to cope with stress.

  • She should be able to assume additional responsibilities when there are additional challenges.

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V. Attitudes (continued)

Approach to Networking/Self-Promotion


Nancy would be comfortable networking within her customers and promoting the products and services of the organization. To prospect and network from a customer contact, she would require some commitment to product and an effective method of approaching people. The development as consistent prospector may require some training, support and contact monitoring but could be well worth it.

Coaching Suggestions

  • If promoting and selling the company's products and services is part of her customer contact role, a sales professional might be a good mentor for her. Experienced sales people can help others develop their level of comfort while networking and promoting themselves and their companies.

  • Help Nancy build on her comfort with networking by providing appropriate sales training.

  • If her comfort networking is combined with strong self-management skills, motivation to succeed and good communication skills, she may develop as a solid marketing or sales resource.

Listening Style

Very Good ListenerNeeds Coaching

Nancy's responses indicate that she has an approach to listening that is typical of the majority of people. Nancy is likely to listen to others attentively most of the time but she may have some development opportunities in her listening style. With training, Nancy's approach to listening should help in developing good interpersonal relationships with a variety of individuals that she will encounter in her position. Nancy's approach to listening is likely to be neither an advantage nor a disadvantage when dealing with customers and their concerns.

Coaching Suggestions

  • Nancy could benefit from some coaching to enhance her approach to listening and enable her to be a more attentive and effective listener.

  • Formal training in listening skills, particularly in handling customer relations would be useful. Role-playing potential interactions that Nancy will encounter with customers, peers or others could also be beneficial.

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VI. Emotional Intelligence

EQ Definition: The ability to understand and apply emotional information about ourselves and others effectively.

Labels feelings and emotions as they are happening Does not label feelings and emotions as they are happening
  A measure of a person's ability to accurately label personal feelings and emotions.

High monitoring Optimal monitoring Low monitoring
  A measure of the amount of energy a person puts forth in monitoring his/her own feelings and emotions.

Demonstrates good self control Low control over impulses and negative emotions
  A measure of a person's restraint as it relates to one's control over his/her impulses, emotions, and/or desires.

Perseveres Focus can change
  A measure of a person's ability to manage emotional influences that would prevent him/her from taking those actions that he/she believes are necessary in dealing effectively with everyday situations and/or meeting personal goals.

Recognizes emotions in others Low awareness of emotions of others
  A measure of a person's ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others.

Uses knowledge of the emotions of others in decision-making Does not factor in the emotions of others in decision-making
  A measure of a person's ability to make appropriate decisions in social situations based on the emotional states of others.

Understands & uses emotional information Relies on non-emotional information
  An overall measure of how well a person understands emotional information and uses it effectively.

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  Enterprising People Oriented Achievement Oriented Independent

Power Scores 125 28 97 100
Neutr Scores 98 11 102 113

  Acquiescent Investigative Relaxed Team Oriented
  109 -6 39 78
      53       64       42       42       38
      SC       LM       NSP       LS       UC
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VIII. Responses From Opinions Section

1=Don't Agree At All2=Agree A Little3=Somewhat Agree4=Moderately Agree5=Definitely Agree

1.  Effort gets results (5)
2.  I thrive under pressure (4)
3.  I rarely interrupt others while they are speaking (3)
4.  I often discuss my career with friends (1)
5.  I am often influenced by others (2)
6.  I would have difficulty integrating a demanding career into my lifestyle (2)
7.  I have never told a lie (1)
8.  I would not like to be a sales person (1)
9.  Most mistakes can be avoided (4)
10.  I am comfortable with changes in technology (5)
11.  I like to hear people fully explain their point of view (4)
12.  I avoid actions that might make people dislike me (2)
13.  People's good qualities are seldom recognized (2)
14.  I sometimes lack the energy to perform important tasks (1)
15.  Most conversations take too long (2)
16.  It is important that people approve of me (4)
17.  I am good at most things that I try to do (5)
18.  I stay focused on my priorities (5)
19.  After listening to an interesting anecdote, I like to describe a similar situation involving me (1)
20.  Sales people have a positive public image (2)
21.  Success is mostly luck (2)
22.  I often allow my attitude to affect my performance negatively (1)
23.  All my habits are good and desirable ones (4)
24.  I am comfortable when people do not agree with me (4)
25.  People get the respect that they deserve (4)
26.  I generally have a positive attitude towards work (4)
27.  I never envy others their good luck (2)
28.  I am persistent in getting others to agree with my point of view (3)
29.  It is impossible to change company procedures (2)
30.  I find it difficult to manage my professional demands (1)
31.  I prefer to listen in conversations (3)
32.  I find it easy to make new acquaintances (3)
33.  Hard work brings success (4)
34.  I excel in a dynamic environment (4)
35.  I consciously pause before responding to others (4)
36.  I am comfortable promoting my ideas to friends and associates (4)
37.  Plans never work out (1)
38.  I often avoid difficult tasks (1)
39.  I have never been late for work or for an appointment (2)
40.  In a group, I feel uncomfortable if a person does not like me (2)
41.  I create opportunities (5)
42.  I take care of myself with good daily habits (5)
43.  I try to do most of the talking when presenting materials to others (2)
44.  I have been successful in developing a large network of people (5)
45.  Compliments make me uncomfortable (2)
46.  I have difficulty coping with daily job challenges (1)
47.  I have never boasted or bragged (3)
48.  I adapt to what others expect of me (4)
49.  A good plan can avoid mistakes (4)
50.  Stress improves my performance (4)
51.  After listening to someone talk, I repeat the important points back to them to insure my understanding (5)
52.  I often refer people to my family and friends (5)
53.  Hard work does not always get results (2)
54.  To be effective on the job, I need more energy (2)
55.  I make sure others have finished speaking before I respond (3)
56.  Informal social events are a good source of business contacts (4)
57.  I find it easy to talk about myself (2)
58.  Regular habits are an important part of my success (5)
59.  I have never said anything unkind about anyone else (2)
60.  I have met very few people whom I did not like (3)
61.  I am distracted easily (2)
62.  Professional demands often interfere with my lifestyle (2)
63.  People take too long to get to the point (3)
64.  I get upset when sales people call me at home (2)
65.  I am a confident person (4)
66.  I can concentrate on my work for long periods of time (4)
67.  I will interrupt other people to provide an answer to their question (3)
68.  To be successful in my career, I must change my image (1)
69.  My performance depends on the situation (1)
70.  To be effective, I need to make several lifestyle changes (1)
71.  No one is ever rude to me (3)
72.  I would rather talk to a client on the telephone than in person (1)
73.  I am successful in most aspects of my life (5)
74.  Work does not get me down (4)
75.  I enjoy listening to other people (4)
76.  Most people would prefer not to deal with salespeople any more than necessary (2)
77.  I am reluctant to make decisions (1)
78.  Lifestyle demands have interfered with my career success (1)
79.  I always admit my own mistakes (5)
80.  To perform up to my potential, I must have total belief in my job (4)
81.  I take time to reflect on my accomplishments (4)
82.  I enjoy pressure on the job (4)
83.  I give others my undivided attention when they are speaking to me (4)
84.  I have bought a product or service mainly because of the salesperson (4)
85.  I let the organization define my training needs (3)
86.  People do not understand the pressures of my job (2)
87.  I prefer to ask very specific questions that require only a 'yes/no' answer (1)
88.  My business contacts are a good source of future sales (5)
89.  Effort is entirely my responsibility (4)
90.  I manage stress effectively (4)
91.  I have a tendency to finish other people's sentences (2)
92.  To be a successful salesperson, it is necessary to get potential buyers to like me (4)
93.  Others have interfered with my success (2)
94.  It is difficult to establish job priorities (1)
95.  I am not a good listener (1)
96.  I feel comfortable promoting myself and my company at social gatherings (4)
©2003 Selection Testing Consultants International, Quality Profiles Ltd.