Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0)

Full Report - Cassandra Test

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Table of Contents Page

Recommendation / Background 2
Candidate Snapshot 3
Performance Factors 4
Communication Factors 5
Attitudinal Factors 6

The Contact Center Screen™ is designed to help managers / recruiters make an informed decision about the suitability of a particular candidate seeking employment in a contact center environment. As such, the Contact Center Screen™ highlights each candidate's inherent strengths and growth opportunities as they pertain to success in a customer service role, allowing for strategic placement, selection, and coaching decisions to be made in an informed manner.

John C. Marshall, PhD

CCS2 #U3OMIU3O24JG for Cassandra Test on February 29, 2016

©2008, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.

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Recommendation / Background

 Candidate Information: 
Name: Cassandra Test
Telephone: 000-000-0000
Email Address:
Desired Location: SMG - Home
Position: Service

Sales Service

Conditionally Recommended

Conditionally Recommended

1. Select the response that best reflects your current position.  Student
2. If unemployed, how long have you been unemployed?  1 to 2 months
3. If a student, how many years of school do you have left?  3 years
4. What is the major reason you are currently looking for a job?  Need more money
5. How much experience have you had in a hospitality or service environment?  < 1 year
6. How many previous jobs have you had the hospitality or service industry?  2
7. In your current position, what percentage of your time is spent interacting with customers?  50% - 75%
8. How many management / supervisory positions have you held in the past?  1
9. How many different jobs have you had in the past 5 years?  3
10. Please rate how you think you would do in a customer service role.  Average
11. How long would it take you to get to work at the location that you applied to?  > 1 hour
12. Do you have any family members or friends that work for our company?  Yes
13. What is your level of education?  University/College Graduate
14. If you attended University, College or Trade School, please indicate which one:   
  a. Location of University, College or Trade School:   
  b. Your course of study:   
©2008, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.
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Candidate Snapshot

Enterprising Potential
High Initiative / Proactive Responsive
Achievement Potential
Challenge / Financial Gain People / Relationships
Independence Potential
Independent Prefers Structure
People Orientation
Outgoing / Sociable Builds Relationships Over Time
Analytical Orientation
Analytical Overlooks Detail
Comfort With Conflict
Very Comfortable With Conflict Avoids Conflict
Self Confidence
Very Confident Growth Opportunity
Lifestyle Management
Well Developed Coping Strategies Growth Opportunity
Attitudes About a Service Career
Very Positive Attitudes About A Service Career Negative Attitudes About A Service Career
Reliability of Results (Honesty Scale)
Potentially Unreliable Results Reliable Results
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Performance Factors

Enterprising Potential
High Initiative / Proactive Responsive

Cassandra would be described as fairly assertive, competitive and goal-oriented by nature. He/She is suited to taking initiative in most situations and will be able to work effectively in more fluid and adaptive environments. Cassandra has the potential to motivate him/herself without frequent input from a manager / supervisor and should work well with a manager who coaches and consults rather than directs. Finally, Cassandra is a very goal-oriented individual and therefore will always be directing his/her efforts towards the attainment of these objectives. As such, he/she may require a lot of task variety and will likely appreciate situations where there are multiple things that need to be accomplished. Therefore, it would be recommended to keep Cassandra as busy as possible, as people with his/her natural disposition are susceptible to boredom.

Interview Suggestions
1. Outline a situation in which you developed a plan, and subsequently implemented it successfully.
2. Describe a situation that illustrates that you are someone who takes initiative.
3. What characteristics do you possess that make you a strong self manager?
4. What daily habits do you have that help you to meet your goals?

Achievement Potential
Challenge / Financial Gain People / Relationships

Cassandra would be described as energetic, determined and ambitious. His/Her profile score on this scale is similar to those who work well in fast-paced challenging environments. Cassandra may have a tendency to react quickly in certain situations, which may be a detriment if the situation requires a very precise and well thought out response. With respect to closing business, Cassandra will be relatively aggressive, as he/she is very comfortable asking for the business. However, Cassandra may need to be reminded time and again to service and follow up with his/her clients in order to ensure repeat business or referrals. Moreover, his/her aggressive and fast-paced disposition may be too strong for a service-only role.

Interview Suggestions
1. How do you define success in a task (look for whether the candidate uses external references (i.e., I do better than someone else) or internal references (i.e., I do better than I did before)
2. Describe a situation where you set a goal, but failed to meet it. Why did you not accomplish the task? what would you have done differently? How did this experience make you feel? Would you try it again (look for candidates who persevere)?
3. What would you like to accomplish while working here? How does working here help you in the pursuit of either your short term or long term life goals?
4. Describe for me a situation that illustrates that you are a patient person.
5. What are the things that motivate you to do well in a service-oriented role? Why?

Independence Potential
Independent Prefers Structure

Cassandra would be described as independent and in some cases even stubborn. He/She will follow existing systems and procedures only if they are helping him/her to do his/her job effectively. Often, he/she will create his/her own structure as needed, and will adapt current systems to meet his/her personal preference. With respect to supervision, he/she will accept feedback reluctantly. As a manager, a more distant and responsive approach will likely be more effective. This area of Cassandra's character will be a strength in situations where resourcefulness is an important aspect of dealing with unusual needs.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe a situation in which you worked as part of a group. What was the outcome? What role did you play in the group?
2. Describe a situation in which you were the leader of a group. How would you describe your leadership style?
3. What characteristics do you possess that make you a good team member.
4. Describe you ideal manager.

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Communication Factors

People Orientation
Outgoing / Sociable Builds Relationships Over Time

Cassandra is extremely sociable, cheerful, friendly and outgoing. He/She is enthusiastic and a fluent talker who is able to build relationships easily. He/She is quite comfortable with other people and thoroughly enjoys being in social environments. He/She will be able to work well in an environment where there is regular contact with new customers and would represent the organization well. As such, he/she possesses the social skills normally associated with success in a service/sales role.

Interview Suggestions
1. What do you enjoy most about meeting new people?
2. What attributes do you possess that allow you to be a people person?
3. What do you see as your potential growth opportunities in the area of communication?
4. What steps can you take to improve in these areas?

Analytical Orientation
Analytical Overlooks Detail

Cassandra prefers to learn only what he/she feels is essential to do his/her job effectively. He/She is unlikely to be motivated by solving technical problems or seeking out intellectual challenges unless they have a practical application or are of specific interest to him/her. Cassandra's lack of attention to detail may make him/her appear disorganized or uninformed in the eyes of customers. As a manager, providing Cassandra with a lot of detail or explanation around certain things will likely cause frustration and confusion. As such, coach him/her using generalities and try to use actual work place events (e.g., mistakes) as learning moments.

Interview Suggestions
1. What attributes do you possess that make you a strong problem solver? Growth Opportunities?
2. When making an important decision, list the steps that you go through? How would you describe the speed at which you make decisions?
3. List any personal development courses / certifications that you have taken in the past?

Comfort With Conflict
Very Comfortable With Conflict Avoids Conflict

Cassandra tends to be comfortable in situations where there is a potential for conflict. He/She would be relatively relaxed in situations where conflict is a common occurrence or there is ongoing tension that requires his/her intervention. This is a very useful strength when dealing with angry clientele. Overall, Cassandra likely possesses the attributes required to diffuse situations of interpersonal conflict effectively.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe one of your previous working environments that included a lot of argument and conflict. How did you manage to work effectively in this environment?
2. How would you handle an unruly (e.g., rude, profane, disrespectful) customer?
3. Describe a situation where you had to deal with an angry customer. What was the outcome? Is there anything you would do differently looking back?

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Attitudinal Factors

Self Confidence
Very Confident Growth Opportunity

Cassandra possesses a below average level of self-confidence. More specifically, he/she does not perceive him/herself as possessing the skills or abilities necessary to be successful in the service industry. Moreover, when asked about his/her success in other areas of his/her life, he/she repeatedly attributed success to external factors (e.g., luck). Research in psychology refers to the idea of a "Self Fulfilling Prophecy", where an individual's performance oftentimes aligns itself with their cognitive projection of their likelihood for success (i.e., how successful they think they will be). As such, candidates with extremely low levels of self-confidence should be screened thoroughly as part of the selection process, as their likelihood for success may be impeded by their current psychological state.

Interview Suggestions
1. What attributes do you possess that will allow you to be successful in the service industry?
2. What do you perceive to be your growth opportunities?
3. What steps have you taken to improve in these areas? How are you monitoring your progress?
4. If I had to ask your worst enemy to describe you, what would they say? (look for honest answers - indicates strong self awareness and confidence that the good outweighs the bad)

Lifestyle Management
Well Developed Coping Strategies Growth Opportunity

Cassandra appears to be able to manage stressful situations effectively in the workplace. More specifically, Cassandra perceives him/herself as possessing the resources necessary to accomplish challenging tasks, and thus does not become overwhelmed in these situations. Moreover, he/she has strong coping strategies in place which allow him to buffer the negative effects of workplace stress. Overall, Cassandra could likely benefit from some extra stress management training, as it would augment the strategies that he/she already employs.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe a stressful situation, and then outline the steps and strategies that you used in order to cope. Would you do anything differently looking back?
2. What attributes do you possess that allow you to manage stress effectively?
3. What do you see as your primary growth opportunities in the area of stress management?

Attitudes About a Service Career
Very Positive Attitudes About A Service Career Negative Attitudes About A Service Career

Cassandra does not hold a contact center career in very high regard. More specifically, his/her responses indicate that he/she does not perceive contact centers to be a viable career. As such, it is likely that he/she is currently applying for this position out of necessity, rather than out of desire.

Interview Suggestions
1. What do you like most about the idea of working in a contact center? Least?
2. Why do you think that society does not perceive contact centers as a viable career?

Reliability of Results (Honesty Scale)
Potentially Unreliable Results Reliable Results

Cassandra's responses are above the cut-off for this scale. As such, Cassandra may have been trying to present him/herself in a socially desirable manner, in hopes of appearing as a stronger candidate. There are a variety of reasons why this score can be elevated (e.g., language barriers), however the most common reason is socially desirable responding. Please proceed with him/her cautiously.

©2008, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.