HospitalityScreen™ (Version 2.0)

Brief Report - Sample Report

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Table of ContentsPage

Recommendation / Background2
Candidate Snapshot3

The HospitalityScreen™ is designed to help managers / recruiters make an informed decision about the suitability of a particular candidate seeking employment in the service industry. As such, the HospitalityScreen™ highlights each candidate?s inherent strengths and growth opportunities as they pertain to success in the service industry, allowing for strategic placement, selection, and coaching decisions to be made in an informed manner.

John C. Marshall, PhD

#FGSWECS5 for Sample Report on January 22, 2012

©2012, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.

 HospitalityScreen™ (Version 2.0) (#FGSWECS5 for Sample Report on January 22, 2012) Page 2 

Recommendation / Background

 Candidate Information: 
 Name: Sample Report  |  Address: ,   |  Telephone:  
 Email Address:   |  Desired Location: Hotel Demo 

Front of the HouseHeart of the House

Conditionally Recommended

Talent (2.0)
Effort (3.4)
Opportunity (3.2)
Total (2.7)

Conditionally Recommended

Talent (2.5)
Effort (3.4)
Opportunity (3.3)
Total (2.9)

1. Select the response that best reflects you current position. Employed Part Time
2. If unemployed, how long have you been unemployed?  
3. If a student, how many years of school do you have left? 2 years
4. What is the major reason you are currently looking for a job? Laid off
5. How much experience have you had in a hospitality or service environment? < 1 year
6. How many previous jobs have you had the hospitality or service industry? 2
7. In your current position, what percentage of your time is spent interacting with customers? 25 ? 50%
8. How many management / supervisory positions have you held in the past? 1
9. How many different jobs have you had in the past 5 years? 3
10. Please rate how you think you would do in a customer service role. Average
11. How long would it take you to get to work at the location that you applied to? 30 min to 1 hour
12. Do you have any family members or friends that work for our company? Yes
13. What is your level of education? University/College Graduate
14. If you attended University, College or Trade School, please indicate which one: Wilfrid Laurier
  a. Location of University, College or Trade School:  
  b. Your course of study: Hospitality
©2012, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.
 HospitalityScreen™ (Version 2.0) (#FGSWECS5 for Sample Report on January 22, 2012) Page 3 

Candidate Snapshot

Self Management Potential
High Initiative / Proactive Responsive
Sense of Urgency
Urgent / Impatient Relaxed / Calm
Independence Potential
Independent Prefers Structure
People Orientation
Outgoing / Sociable Builds Relationships Over Time
Analytical Orientation
Analytical Overlooks Detail
Self Confidence
Very Confident Growth Opportunity
Lifestyle Management
Well Developed Coping Strategies Growth Opportunity
Attitudes About the Service Industry
Very Positive Attitudes About Service Career Negative Attitudes About Service Career
Reliability of Results (Honesty Scale)
Potentially Unreliable Results Reliable Results
©2012, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.