
Name: Sample Person
Telephone:  4165558899


Snapshot of Management Potential1
Background / Current Status2
Selection Questions3

#901315142781 for Sample Person on January 16, 2014

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 MPPScreen (#901315142781 for Sample Person on January 16, 2014) Page 1 


Needs existing structure     Thrives on fluid/adaptive structure 

Service/Security   Challenge/Service  Intense challenge motivation 

Long term, relaxed     Short term, intensive 

Prefers to avoid conflict situations     Comfortable; might create conflict 

 CANDIDATE SCORES   1=Poor   2=Below Average   3=Average   4=Above Average   5=Excellent 
Talent (3.0)
Effort (3.4)
Opportunity (4.0)
Overall Rating (3.5)

 Proceed with Caution     

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 MPPScreen (#901315142781 for Sample Person on January 16, 2014) Page 2 


 1. How did you find out about the current opportunity?  Newspaper 
 2. What is the highest level of education you attempted?  College or University 
 3. Did you graduate?  Yes 
 4. How many years have you lived in your current city or town?  3 to 6 years 
 5. Select the one that reflects your situation  Unemployed 
 6. If unemployed, how many months have you been unemployed?  
 7. If employed, what is your current job title?   
 8. If employed, # of years in current job   
 9. What are your personal weekly earnings?  $999 or more 
 10. What do you consider your current weekly earnings to be?  Above average 
 11. Which of the following occupational groupings would best describe your current occupation?  Management 
 12. How adequate is your current income level?  Adequate, but want more 
 13. What is the major reason you are considering changing careers?  Other 
 14. What is the major reason you are considering a career in management?  Enjoy coaching and developing others 
 15. What is the longest period of time you worked full time for one organization or in self-employment?  6 to 9 years 
 16. What would you rate your chances for advancement at your present job?  You are currently unemployed 
 17. How many full time jobs have you held in the last 5 years?  2-3 
 18. How many hours a week do you currently work? If you are currently unemployed or employed part time, use your last full time position.  more than 50 hours 
 19. How many previous management positions have you held?  4 or more 
 20. How many years experience do you have in a people management position (i.e., directly managing other people)?  6 to 9 years 
 21. In your current or previous management positions, what was the largest number of people that you managed directly?  Greater than 100 
 22. Are you bilingual?  No 
 23. What type of work are you looking for?  Full-time 

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 MPPScreen (#901315142781 for Sample Person on January 16, 2014) Page 3 


Self Management

  • Ask this candidate to outline a situation in which he/she had to develop a plan and follow it to completion.

  • Have him/her outline a similar situation where he/she had to follow someone else's plan.

  • Ask him/her what were the advantages of each situation? Which situation suited him/her best?

Achievement Potential

  • Ask him/her to think about, then to tell you about what he/she sees as his/her really important motivating forces. Ask him/her for examples of things he/she has done which he/she felt were of real value and which were exceptionally demanding and challenging. Ask for details of these challenging and meaningful events including attempts that were unsuccessful as well as those which worked out well. Ask him/her what motivated him/her to try and to persist in trying to do these things. Cover the details provided with his/her references. Do they confirm the events and how do they interpret his/her motivational pattern? On the whole, does he/she have a balance between his/her needs for service to others and his/her orientation towards bottom line productivity?

  • How committed would he/she be to taking any opportunities which may become available to participate in company sponsored or recommended training programs to increase his/her job related skills? Any training done recently?

Independence Potential

  • How has he/she functioned as part of a 'team' both in his/her work and in his/her other interests? How does he/she feel about work or personal situations in which he/she has to operate entirely on his/her own? Which does he/she feel is the most likely to bring the greatest productivity and satisfaction?

  • Are there any specific examples of things he/she has done to promote 'team' harmony and effectiveness at work or in other personal commitments? If so how successful was he/she?

  • Has he/she tried to fulfill his/her potential in supervision or management through formal or self study programs in these areas? Has he/she had any specific learning experiences in these areas? Will he/she take such programs now, even at his/her own expense and on his/her own time, to him/herself more able to function on his/her own when necessary?

  • How has he/she gotten along with his/her most recent supervisor/manager? What kind of interaction does he/she expect to experience with a new manager? What style of interaction would he/she use with others in your operation?

©2003, Selection Testing Consultants Intl Ltd