
Name :  POPScreen 2.0 Sample 
Telephone :  416 746 0444 
Email :   
Position :   



#013860370906 for POPScreen 2.0 Sample on June 10, 2010

©2001-2010, Selection Testing Consultants Intl. Ltd.

 POPScreen (#013860370906 for POPScreen 2.0 Sample on June 10, 2010) Page 1 


1. What is the highest level of education you attempted? College or University
2. Did you graduate? Yes
3. How many years have you lived in your current town or metropolitan area? More than 10 years
4. Select the one that reflects your situation Unemployed
5. If unemployed, how many months have you been unemployed?  
6. Job Title Sales Manager
7. # of years in job 8
8. What are your personal weekly earnings? $801 - $1000 wk
9. How many sources of income do you currently have? 2
10. Which of the following occupational groupings would best describe your current occupation? Professional or Management
11. On a scale of 1-10, at this time, what is your interest level about a career in financial services?  
12. Are you completing this questionnaire before or after an interview with a recruiter?  
13. How adequate is your current income level? Very adequate
14. What is the major reason you are considering changing careers? Looking for better advancement opportunities
15. In your current industry, how much do you think the average experienced Sales Representative earns annually? More than other types of Sales Representatives
16. What is the longest period of time you worked full time for one organization or in self-employment? 6 to 9 years
17. What would you rate your chances for advancement at your present job? Very good
18. How many full time jobs have you held in the last 5 years? 1
19. How many hours a week do you currently work? If you are currently unemployed or employed part time, use your last full time position. 45 to 50 hours
20. To meet your financial commitments, how much annual income do you need to earn? About the same as my current income
21. If you have a geographical preference for work, please indicate.  
22. Others perceive me as a very hard worker. This statement is definitely true
23. How were you referred to this website? Approached by Manager/Recruiter
24. How would you rate your sales experience?  
25. If you have sales experience in what industry was your most recent sales job?  
26. Have you ever earned commission income in a previous job?  
A) Have you increased your income in the last 5 years?
(If recent college graduate/student please skip this section and complete question B)
B) Did you work while at school?  
C) Was your work related to your degree?  

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 POPScreen (#013860370906 for POPScreen 2.0 Sample on June 10, 2010) Page 2 


 A Good Prospector SALES DNA
 A Good Closer 
 Chances for Survival 
 A People Person 
 $/Challenge Motivated 

 Commitment to a Sales Career 



Proceed with Caution




* If results are not reliable it may suggest that the candidate is responding to the questionnaire in a socially desirable manner. Please proceed with caution with the results and explore thoroughly with candidates before proceeding to selection.
©2001-2010, Selection Testing Consultants Intl. Ltd.
 POPScreen (#013860370906 for POPScreen 2.0 Sample on June 10, 2010) Page 3 


A Good Prospector / Chances for Survival

  • What kind of natural orientation does he/she have towards being a self-manager, i.e., how quickly and effectively can he/she learn to plan and organize him/herself and manage his/her time to get the daily, weekly etc. objectives met?

  • How willing is he/she to take any learning opportunities to develop his/her self-management potential for use within the career, either from within the company or through outside sources?

  • Ask about any specific tasks or requirements he/she may have had in the past which will show how he/she can take the requirement, convert it into a plan for action and how he/she manages his/her time and focuses his/her effort each day to get the job done. Ask him/her for references to verify the examples.

$ Challenge / Money Motivation / Closing Style

  • Ask him/her to tell you how he/she really feels about things like challenge, earning lots of money, doing what is best for other people and/or for him/herself and whatever else he/she feels motivates him/her the most. Ask him/her to tell you which things motivate him/her the most - and which are the least important motivators.

  • Can he/she give you any examples of outstanding productivity of any kind, in any job or outside activity over the past two years? Check his/her examples with his/her business and personal references.

  • Has he/she had any especially challenging experiences in school, sports, politics, part-time or full-time jobs etc.? Has he/she ever had to really push him/herself to overcome a problem? Did he/she hold one or even more part-time or full-time jobs while attending school?

A People Person

  • Ask him/her how he/she feels about meeting and putting people at ease. Examples?

  • How well does he/she adjust to different personalities? Examples?

  • How does he/she feel and what has he/she done about the importance of team work and good public relations in achieving company goals? Examples?

©2001-2010, Selection Testing Consultants Intl. Ltd.