Personal Performance Profile


Overview of Strengths1
Planning Considerations2
Business Development3
Achievement Potential4
Independence Potential5
People Orientation6
Technical Orientation7
Approach Reluctance
     Overall Score8
     Managing Rejection9
     Prospecting Orientation10
     Commitment to Product/Service11
     Commitment to an Opportunity Requiring Sales12
Uncertainty Scale13
Summary of Scores14

PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002

©1995, Selection Testing Consultants Intl Ltd.

 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 1 

An Overview of Your Personal Characteristics & Career Strengths

Business Development

You would be described as quite competitive, enterprising, assertive, determined and goal oriented. You will attempt to find new and different ways to reach your personal and work objectives and you can be self-evaluative of your performance. With appropriate training, you would find that for many goals, objectives or requirements, you would be able to develop your own plan, manage your time and focus your effort on a daily basis to reach those goals.

Achievement Potential

People would see you as being motivated to a very great extent by your sincere concern for the well-being of others. In addition, they may see you as a person who has the potential to achieve some very meaningful objectives that have the creation of a good level of personal income as a major factor. To achieve at the level of which you are capable and to obtain both personal and financial satisfaction, you should set your career goals towards obtaining an opportunity whose purpose has real human and/or social merit and where you can occasionally take on challenging special tasks which are very demanding and which will reward you for their successful completion.

Independence Potential

You would be described as cooperative, obliging, efficient, conscientious, painstaking and team oriented. You would be considered a reliable person who would generally follow traditional strategies. A stable group environment would be the ideal occupational setting for you.

People Orientation

You would be described as extremely sociable, entertaining, cheerful, genial and outgoing. In addition to being a fluent talker, you would be comfortable with new people, value social interaction and make new friends easily. Generally, you would display the ability to communicate with a wide variety of people in a number of different functions. Being extremely sociable could make you somewhat sensitive to rejection.

Technical Orientation

You would be described as quite logical, reflective, analytical, factual and practical. An opportunity requiring the solving of intellectual or conceptual problems would stimulate a person such as yourself. You would have a flair for technically oriented and detailed work. Taking on challenges to learn and using new information in a field that interests you would be rewarding in itself.

 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 2 

Planning Considerations

What Types of Opportunities Should You Look For?

+ Look for opportunities to develop your self-management potential by training in personal time management and personal and business activity planning. The opportunity to put the skills you develop into use is important for you.

+ Your best prospects for both personal satisfaction and personal productivity can be found in challenging opportunities in which you can see a real value in terms of rendering a valuable and valued service to people.

+ You would find it very satisfying to work within a group that has a real sense of 'team' and which delivers a needed and appreciated service.

+ Look for opportunities that provides you with lots of people contact on a daily basis. A situation with a great deal of person to person interaction and public relations opportunities would be ideal for you.

+ An opportunity with some learning and technical requirements would be quite satisfying. The opportunity to be creative and to put your new found knowledge into action would also be appealing to you.

What Types of Opportunities Should You Avoid?

- Avoid situations that are absolutely and rigorously structured. You have the potential to be a relatively good self-manager and you need some flexibility to allow you to develop and use these skills for both success in your professional pursuits and for your personal satisfaction.

- Avoid situations which you evaluate as having little service orientation. If the opportunity tends to reward everyone the same regardless of their effort and results you are unlikely to find any 'productivity' satisfaction with them.

- Avoid opportunities which you believe do not really appreciate its associates or provides incompetent or inadequate operational support.

- You should avoid situations that would isolate you from people. An opportunity that lacks social interaction would not be adequately stimulating and rewarding to you.

- You should avoid situations that are not intellectually challenging, creative and those that do not offer a chance for personal growth in a technical or practical sense.

 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 3 

Business Development (BD)

Your score on the BD Scale would indicate a good inclination toward being comfortable in specific competitive environments. A strong systematic approach to developing good basic work habits would help in the area of activity planning and personal time management. With additional coaching support, you will invest effort in daily business development activities. You would be most comfortable in a situation that required some initiation of new client contact with a balance of client maintenance. The self-management of effort will improve your productivity and ensure a satisfying business opportunity.

Initiates Responds

Developmental Suggestions

Help build on this potential strength by seeking out additional instruction and coaching in personal planning and time management skills. A relatively structured approach to planning complemented by additional training and on-going observation will help you perform effectively. A well structured activity plan will help you achieve your objectives.







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 4 

Achievement Potential (AP)

This result on the AP Scale indicates that you have a very balanced motivational structure that includes challenge and/or money as well as an equally strong service and/or recognition component. You would enjoy an opportunity that focused on building good client relationships and was complemented by an opportunity for achievement. The blend of these two motivators indicates a comfort with servicing the needs of clients and selling a product or service that has some personal significance or meaning. As a business professional, you will be very aware of the needs of your clients and attempt to integrate your own requirements to create a 'win-win' outcome.


Developmental Suggestions

You have the energy to succeed and will profit from coaching in techniques for identifying client needs and sustaining client relationships. You will value positive client feedback that should be systematically requested from established as well as new clients. You will monitor your effectiveness based on recognition and quality service. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek out an opportunity that provides positive feedback through the self-management of both results and activities. Training in personal planning would help you feel 'successful' everyday. As a persuasive/persistent client relationship builder, you will learn best from a coach or mentor who has a style or approach that is well matched to your own personality.







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 5 

Independence Potential (IP)

Your score on the IP scale indicates that you would be very comfortable with an opportunity that has proven, well-established structure and systems. You would be very coachable and would display a strong commitment to existing structure after the initial training. You would be considered as an individual who could be relied on to follow mutually agreed to strategies and procedures. You will be very attentive during the initial training and try to integrate all suggested ideas and approaches.

Develops Own Structure Integrates Existing Structure Prefers Structure

Developmental Suggestions

You will expect direction and guidance on the systems that will ensure your success. Regular feedback sessions would help you evaluate your effectiveness and knowledge of the existing structure. Training and development of self-management skills, including both self evaluation and self reinforcement strategies, would help maintain good habits after the initial intensive training. You will be receptive to the influence and advice of associates, therefore it will be important to seek out associates who have a similar orientation.







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 6 

People Orientation

You will find an opportunity with a great deal of interaction with new people to be an ideal match. You will be extremely people-oriented and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

Develops Relationships Quickly Develops Relationships Longer-Term

Developmental Suggestions

Training would probably be most effective with a highly 'people oriented' 'coach'.







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 7 

Technical Orientation

You would enjoy a business environment that offers an opportunity for continual growth and development from a technical and intellectual point of view. You would be considered to possess a good amount of fluid intelligence.

Likes Learning Learns What is Necessary

Developmental Suggestions

Design an intensive technical training process that includes self learning and formal instruction. You could be considered a technical expert for both clients and associates.







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 8 

Approach Reluctance: Total Score

Would Benefit From a Mentor Needs Coaching Needs Training & Support

One of the main reasons that people fail is the fear of rejection. Fortunately, learning how to manage rejection is a trainable skill. Most sales in a business often require a number of rejections before a sale happens. Since your score indicates that you would fear these rejections, it would be important for you to try and understand why you would fear rejection. The following scales on Managing Rejection, Prospecting Orientation, Commitment to Product/Service and Commitment to an Opportunity Requiring Sales will provide further insight.







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 9 

Approach Reluctance: Managing Rejection

Build Skills Needs Training Very Sensitive

Your score on the managing rejection scale indicates that you could be quite sensitive during the client building process and would require training in strategies to feel totally comfortable during the business relationship. You would be most comfortable with a reasonably structured approach that allowed for individual input and on-going development.

Questions to Consider

  • In the ideal interpersonal relationship, what percentage of time do you spend listening and talking?
  • What are the major qualities you would like to develop that would help you become successful?
  • What qualities do you have to change?







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 10 

Approach Reluctance: Prospecting Orientation

Build Skills Needs Training Requires Leads/Marketing

You would tend to favour approaching clients in your natural market. To network effectively from a business perspective you would require a strong commitment to product and a well developed approach. The ideal opportunity would involve networking with people in a comfortable market. The implementation plan for the introduction to new markets would create a need for training support.

Questions to Consider

  • What products or services would you feel uncomfortable selling? Why?
  • Do you have friends that approach you at social gatherings to buy products or services they are selling? What is your usual response?







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 11 

Approach Reluctance: Commitment to Product/Service

Less Necessary Desirable Essential

You would need to develop a commitment to the product or service by approaching prospects in your natural market. Create situations that provide opportunities to assess the value of the product or service you are representing. It is very important that you understand the benefits of the product or service very early in the new opportunity.

Questions to Consider

  • Have you ever bought a product that you did not need?
  • If yes, how did you feel about the salesperson who sold it to you?
  • If no, has a salesperson ever tried to sell you something you do not need? How did you feel about this individual?







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 12 

Approach Reluctance: Commitment to an Opportunity Requiring Sales

High Selective Careers Specific Careers Only

If sales is an integral aspect of the business opportunity you are considering, it will be important to develop a strong commitment to the sales process as it relates to the new opportunity. You might need assistance in accepting the role of the sales professional and in feeling comfortable in talking about your new situation.

Questions to Consider

  • How would you describe the ideal entrepreneur?
  • Which of these qualities do you possess and which ones would you need to develop?







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 13 

Uncertainty Scale

Scoring up to 45 indicates a consistent pattern of answering that makes the profile results dependable. The lower the score, the more consistent your answers and the more dependable the entire profile results. As you approach and pass 45, you have enough inconsistencies in your answers that may make the overall profile results less dependable.


If your score is over 45, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does the profile describe you accurately?
  • If not, what changes would you make in this report?
  • In what situations or environments would you have a tendency to change your normal behaviour?







 Personal Performance Profile (PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002) Page 14 

Summary of Scores

Initiates Responds
Develops Own Structure Integrates Existing Structure Prefers Structure
Develops Relationships Quickly Develops Relationships Longer-Term
Likes Learning Learns What is Necessary

Approach Reluctance: Total Score

Would Benefit From a Mentor Needs Coaching Needs Training & Support

PPP# 000000 for Sample Person on May 6, 2002