
Predictor of Potential

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Predictive Snapshot
Snapshot of Sales Potential
Business Development /

Client Orientation /
Closing Style

PersistentPersuasiveGrowth Opportunity
Approach to Feedback /

Self Management

StrongGrowth Opportunity
People Orientation

Develops Relationships QuicklyDevelops Relationships Over Time
Analytical Orientation

Factual / AnalyticalLearns the Necessities

Extremely ResilientGrowth Opportunity

Highly AdaptableGrowth Opportunity
Motivational Mix

Challenge / ResultsPeople / Service

Sense of Urgency

Comfort with Conflict

Comfortable with ConflictAvoids Conflict
People Orientation

Learning Agility

AnalyticalLearns Essentials
Summary of Scores
Enterprising Potential (EP)=3
Achievement Potential (AP)=5
$ and/or ChallengePeople and serviceSafety and security
Independence Potential (IP)=0
Very independentIndependence-orientedTeam-orientedVery team-oriented
Predictor Score (PS)=20
Probably successfulUnlikely successful
Comfort with Conflict (CWC)=3
Comfortable with conflictAverageAvoids conflict
Emotional Quotient (EQ)=35
High emotional awarenessReliance on non-emotional information

Communication Style
People Orientation (PO)=-1
Outgoing/personableBuilds relationships gradually
Analytical Orientation (AO)=-5
Highly analyticalLearns only what is necessary

Self Directed (SD)=1
Lifestyle Management (LM)=-2
Call Reluctance (CR)=31
Listening Style (LS)=17
Uncertainty Coefficient (UC)=45
Emotional Intelligence

EQ Definition: The ability to understand and apply emotional information about ourselves and others effectively.

SELF AWARENESS I: MOOD LABELING – A measure of a person's ability to accurately label personal feelings and emotions.
Labels feelings and emotions as they are happeningDoes not label feelings and emotions as they are happening
SELF AWARENESS II: MOOD MONITORING – A measure of the amount of energy a person puts forth in monitoring his/her own feelings and emotions.
High monitoringOptimal monitoringLow monitoring
SELF CONTROL – A measure of a person's restraint as it relates to one's control over his/her impulses, emotions, and/or desires.
Demonstrates good self controlLow control over impulses and negative emotions
MANAGING EMOTIONAL INFLUENCES – A measure of a person's ability to manage emotional influences that would prevent him/her from taking those actions that he/she believes are necessary in dealing effectively with everyday situations and/or meeting personal goals.
PerseveresFocus can change
EMPATHY – A measure of a person's ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others.
Recognizes emotions in othersLow awareness of emotions of others
SOCIAL JUDGEMENT – A measure of a person's ability to make appropriate decisions in social situations based on the emotional states of others.
Uses knowledge of the emotions of others in decision-makingDoes not factor in the emotions of others in decision-making
OVERALL – An overall measure of how well a person understands emotional information and uses it effectively.
Understands & uses emotional informationRelies on non-emotional information
Responses from Attitudes Section
1=Don't Agree At All|2=Agree A Little|3=Somewhat Agree|4=Moderately Agree|5=Definitely Agree

1. Effort gets results. (2)
2. I thrive under pressure. (2)
3. I rarely interrupt others while they are speaking. (3)
4. It is easier to sell to friends than to strangers. (3)
5. I am often influenced by others. (4)
6. I would have difficulty integrating a demanding career into my lifestyle. (4)
7. I have never told lies. (5)
8. Aggressive salespeople usually make a good income but have less repeat business. (5)
9. Most mistakes can be avoided. (5)
10. I am comfortable with changes in technology. (5)
11. I like to hear people fully explain their point of view. (5)
12. I avoid actions that might make people dislike me. (5)
13. People's good qualities are seldom recognized. (4)
14. I sometimes lack the energy to perform important tasks. (4)
15. Most conversations take too long. (4)
16. It is important that people approve of me. (4)
17. I am good at most things that I try to do. (4)
18. I stay focused on my priorities. (4)
19. After listening to an interesting anecdote, I like to describe a similar situation involving me. (4)
20. Salespeople have a positive public image. (4)
21. Success is mostly luck. (5)
22. I often allow my attitude to affect my performance negatively. (2)
23. All of my habits are good and desirable ones. (2)
24. It is very important to push people to buy a product or service after you have established that they need it. (2)
25. People get the respect that they deserve. (2)
26. I generally have a positive attitude towards work. (2)
27. I never envy others their good luck. (2)
28. Salespeople make more money than they deserve. (2)
29. It is impossible to change company procedures. (2)
30. I find it difficult to manage my professional demands. (3)
31. I prefer to listen in conversations. (4)
32. I find it easy to make new acquaintances. (3)
33. Hard work brings success. (4)
34. I excel in a dynamic environment. (3)
35. I consciously pause before responding to others. (4)
36. My first sales should be to my family and friends. (5)
37. Plans never work out. (5)
38. I often avoid difficult tasks. (5)
39. I have never been late for work or for an appointment. (5)
40. In a group, I feel uncomfortable if a person does not like me. (5)
41. I create opportunities. (4)
42. I take care of myself with good daily habits. (3)
43. I try to do most of the talking when presenting materials to others. (3)
44. I have been successful in developing a large network of people. (3)
45. Compliments make me uncomfortable. (2)
46. I have difficulty coping with daily job challenges. (3)
47. I have never boasted or bragged. (2)
48. I adapt to what others expect of me. (5)
Responses from Attitudes Section
1=Don't Agree At All|2=Agree A Little|3=Somewhat Agree|4=Moderately Agree|5=Definitely Agree

49. A good plan can avoid mistakes. (4)
50. Stress improves my performance. (4)
51. After listening to someone talk, I repeat the important points back to them to ensure my understanding. (4)
52. I often refer people to my family and friends. (4)
53. Hard work does not always get results. (4)
54. To be effective on the job, I need more energy. (4)
55. I make sure others have finished speaking before I respond. (4)
56. Informal social events are a good source of sales contacts. (5)
57. I find it easy to talk about myself. (5)
58. Regular habits are an important part of my success. (5)
59. I have never said anything unkind about anyone else. (5)
60. I have met very few people whom I did not like. (5)
61. I am distracted easily. (4)
62. Professional demands often interfere with my lifestyle. (3)
63. People take too long to get to the point. (3)
64. I get upset when salespeople call me at home. (3)
65. I am a confident person. (3)
66. I can concentrate on my work for long periods of time. (2)
67. I will interrupt other people to provide an answer to their question. (2)
68. To be successful at sales, I must change my image. (2)
69. My performance depends on the situation. (2)
70. To be effective, I need to make several lifestyle changes. (2)
71. No one is ever rude to me. (1)
72. I would rather approach a potential new client by telephone than in person. (2)
73. I am successful in most aspects of my life. (2)
74. Work does not get me down. (2)
75. I enjoy listening to other people. (2)
76. Most people would prefer not to deal with salespeople any more than necessary. (1)
77. I am reluctant to make decisions. (1)
78. Lifestyle demands have interfered with my career success. (2)
79. I always admit my own mistakes. (2)
80. I would not like to be known as a salesperson. (2)
81. I take time to reflect on my accomplishments. (2)
82. I enjoy pressure on the job. (3)
83. I give others my undivided attention when they are speaking to me. (2)
84. I have bought a product or service mainly because of the salesperson. (1)
85. I let the organization define my training needs. (2)
86. People do not understand the pressures of my job. (2)
87. I prefer to ask very specific questions that require only a 'yes/no' answer. (2)
88. My family and friends are a good source of sales. (1)
89. Effort is entirely my responsibility. (3)
90. I manage stress effectively. (3)
91. I have a tendency to finish other people's sentences. (4)
92. Rejection is the most difficult aspect of sales. (4)
93. Others have interfered with my success. (4)
94. It is difficult to establish job priorities. (5)
95. I am not a good listener. (5)
96. I feel comfortable promoting myself and my company at social gatherings. (5)

Professional Development Report

Predictor of Potential

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Thank you for taking the time to complete the SalesRepPOP???.

The following information identifies several of your personal strengths that are important to your career development as a professional sales person.

John C. Marshall, Ph.D.
Professional Development Report
Personal Strengths / Career Needs
In Terms of Enterprising vs. Support Role Possibilities
People see you as being occasionally assertive, determined and goal-oriented within well-defined situations. More often, you appear to be generally accepting, agreeable, considerate, mild-mannered and cautious in any less-clearly-defined work or personal situations. Given a requirement or objective and a plan of how to reach the objective, you can be depended upon to work diligently to achieve the stated goals. Your talents probably find their best use in the service or support aspects of a company.
In Terms of Your Style & Strength of Various Motivations
You can be described as being motivated both by a genuine concern for the well-being of others and by the opportunity to achieve an excellent standard of income for yourself through applying your talents and effort to achieving very demanding goals. To achieve both your people-oriented goals and your personal goals, you may become somewhat hard-driving, eager, active and, if delayed, occasionally impatient. There is a balance in your motivational pattern between an orientation toward people or service considerations and toward bettering your own life. This means that you will want to assess each step in your career path in terms of its social merit, as well as its payoff to you. If either element is seriously limited in a job, you may have difficulty in committing yourself completely to it.
In Terms of Your Independence vs. Your Need to Be in the Team
You can be described as cooperative, obliging, efficient and conscientious. You can function effectively in a group that is well-organized, but allows you leeway for individual initiative. You accept early supervision along with training, but expect less supervision after gaining the experience.
In Terms of Your Orientation Toward the “People” Side of Business
You can be described as somewhat sociable, enthusiastic, cheerful, lively and entertaining. While valuing social interactions, you may be somewhat reserved in your initial contacts with new people. You achieve goals through personal relationships developed over a longer period of time.
In Terms of Your Orientation Toward Technical & Practical Concerns
You can be described as somewhat logical, reflective, analytical, factual and practical. Intellectual challenges, when offered without any obvious practical utility, would not appeal to you as strongly as would other kinds of challenge and opportunity. Ideas and concepts that are of solid practical use would be of more interest to you.
Professional Development Report
What To Seek / What To Avoid In Jobs
What Should You Look for In a Job/Career that Matches You Best?
Look for eventual employment with an organization that has an established work objective and detailed work plan; preferably one that uses your special talents in an ongoing service or support role, rather than in a short-term, repeating and pressured goal-attainment requirement.
Look for career opportunities that combine work of genuine social value with an equally genuine opportunity to take on demanding and challenging tasks for which you will receive recognition and good financial compensation.
You should try to find a job that combines being a team player with opportunities to be independent, as you would find it both interesting and profitable to occasionally exercise your own initiative.
You should look for employment that calls for an average amount of “people” contact and a limited number of new contacts with people you don't know. However, some of your job satisfaction would be found in the interaction with people at work.
Look for employment that has a limited amount of analytical, technical and discovery learning to it. There are other challenges and rewards in the work environment that are more appealing to you. When you discover these, target them as ideal job requirements/opportunities.
Professional Development Report
What To Seek / What To Avoid In Jobs
What Should You Avoid in Jobs/Careers that Don't Match You?
Avoid working in an environment that requires you to be responsible for your own work planning and/or that requires you to repeatedly attain high-pressure goals. Unstructured or apparently disorganized work environments would not be able to employ your talents to the best degree.
Avoid jobs that you feel do not have any real human merit in them. Also avoid positions in which everyone is treated alike, regardless of their effort and performance. You can use your talents best where both the “people” element and the challenge element are present.
You should avoid a position in which you will always be a minor or relatively unimportant member of a work group. Avoid positions in which the job structure is totally and rigorously controlling of the workers.
You should avoid a position where you are expected to perform an exclusively public relations role.
Avoid jobs that are particularly detail-oriented. Jobs that require you to quickly learn and apply new technologies or vast amounts of new information won't be particularly satisfying.