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Contact Center POP™

Suitability for Customer Care Service and Sales

for SAMPLE SAMPLE October 5, 2022


Prediction of Sales and Service Potential1
Sales and Service Competencies2
Coach to Success3
Communication Style7
Emotional Intelligence12
Summary of Scores13
Responses from Attitude/Opinions Section14

The Contact Center POP™ is designed to provide insights into the strengths of individuals who will be managing customer relationships within a customer contact center culture. By identifying and understanding personal strengths as well as identifying growth opportunities, managers and supervisors will have more information relevant to fitting people to customer care roles. This profile will also provide managers with suggestions on how to coach service people more effectively.

John C. Marshall, Ph.D.

ID# FDY1VPGDBXJA for SAMPLE SAMPLE on October 5, 2022

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Prediction of Sales and Service Potential

Prediction of Sales Potential
An indication of the individual's natural approach to selling and best fit within the customer care culture. 
Outbound SellingCross SellingService/Inbound service

Business Development
Reflects the person's approach to creating new business development opportunities 
Coach to ExcellenceWith TrainingNot Likely

Approach to Client
An indicator of how aggressively the individual will pursue the business opportunity once it has been identified 
Hard/PersistentSoft/PersistentPotential Weak Closer

Need for Script and/or Structure
The degree to which the person will accept the structure and script used in customer care selling 
Does not wantWorks within guidelinesDepends on it

Managing Rejection
An indicator of the individual's ability to manage rejection during a customer contact 
Handles WellHandles OKVery Uncomfortable

A People Person?
Reflects individual's approach to building relationships with new contacts. 
DefinitelyPeople are OKNot interested

Detail Orientation
Reflects the individual's approach to technical detail. 
AnalyticalAs requiredNot Detail Oriented

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Sales and Service Competencies

Goal Orientation
An indication of the individual's natural approach to goal setting.  
Short Term/IntenseLong Term/Relaxed

A Self-Manager?
Evaluates the extent to which the individual manages self effectively without coaching or a process. 
A NaturalWith CoachingNeeds Process

Communication Style
Reflects the person's natural style of communicating with others on an interpersonal basis 
Ask/ListenBalancedTell the Person

Comfort with Conflict
Refers to the individual's natural reaction to a situation where there is conflict or the potential for it 
ComfortableHandles OKUncomfortable

An indicator of the individual's probable primary loyalty 
Company FocusClient/CompanySelf Interest

Decision Making
Reflects the individual's probable approach to making decisions 

Overall Attitude
Reflects the individual's attitudes and how they will effect customers and prospects 
Very PositiveSome Concerns

An evaluation of the individual's feelings of being in control and taking ownership of various issues 
Feels in ControlAverage ConfidenceLow Confidence

Managing Lifestyle
Evaluates individual's approach to integrating demanding career with busy lifestyle 
Manages very wellManagesNeeds Coping Strategy

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Coach to Success

Self-Management/Business Development


SAMPLE is generally agreeable and should be comfortable in a process oriented environment such as customer care. He/She would be described as moderately competitive, enterprising, assertive and goal oriented. He/She has some potential to become a self-manager if he/she is coached in the areas of self-evaluation, developing the ability to self motivate and directing him/herself more effectively. He/She would be well suited to a situation where he/she is responding to client and organizational needs. He/She would likely work well with a manager who provides clear guidance, coaching and direction and allows him/her to operate without too much supervision.

He/She will be suited best for selling when there is a proven, effective sales process in place.

Interview Suggestions

  • In your current (previous) position, outline your daily activities.

  • How do you plan and review your daily activities?

  • Describe a situation where there was nothing to do. What did you do?

  • Describe the ideal manager.

Coaching Suggestions

  • Focus SAMPLE on roles that are similar to his/her previous experience and will allow him/her to make use of his/her existing skills while he/she acquires new ones.

  • Coach SAMPLE to make use of his/her existing knowledge base while he/she expands his/her areas of expertise.

  • Match him/her with a mentor who will provide him/her with the regular feedback and keep him/her focused on his/her tasks.

  • Help him/her manage him/herself more effectively by providing resources that will develop his/her self-management potential more fully.

  • Coach SAMPLE to see that prospecting, fact-finding and assessing customer needs are an essential part of full service.

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Coach to Success (continued)

Approach to Client (Sales and Service)

Results FocusBalanced

SAMPLE would be described as highly motivated by challenge, task oriented and occasionally quite impatient. He/She is an individual with a great deal of drive, energy and ambition. He/She enjoys achieving goals regularly and is quite likely to seek out challenge in his/her work. He/She would be well suited to a fast-paced environment where his/her compensation includes a performance bonus based on meeting specific goals. People with his/her motivational structure can be top performers if well matched to the right environment but SAMPLE must also remember to be careful to follow up on the people/service aspects of his/her work.
* Individuals who are highly motivated by challenge need to have commensurate self-management ability to meet the challenges that they set for themselves. If they are consistently unable to achieve their goals, they can become candidates for 'burn-out'.

People with SAMPLE's approach to challenge can be very effective sales people if they are comfortable with selling and understand that providing a customer with added value is a service that enhances the relationship.

Interview Suggestions

  • Outline your goal setting process.

  • How do keep track of your progress? If you are not meeting your targets, what do you do?

  • Describe some of your most recent achievements. How did you establish the goals?

  • How have you been able to convert your challenge orientation to helping you in past business roles?

  • Have you ever sold a product or service? How effective were you? What made you effective?

Coaching Suggestions

  • Assign SAMPLE to challenging projects where the outcome is uncertain and/or there is a need to be completed quickly.

  • Provide him/her with challenge and commensurate reward structure.

  • Assure that he/she has developed his/her self-management potential so that he/she is reaching his/her goals on a regular basis.

  • SAMPLE has the motivational profile of a successful salesperson which should allow him/her to develop new business effectively. Provide sales training if appropriate.

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Coach to Success (continued)

Need for Script and/or Structure (Environmental Fit)

Prefers to CreateFollows Guidelines

SAMPLE would be described as an independent person who is comfortable working with structure and a scripted process. He/She will integrate reasonably well with most systems and work well with a group of peers who are reasonably similar in nature. He/She will accept supervision reluctantly during training but will expect minimal supervision after gaining the relevant experience. He/She will perform most effectively within a loosely defined system that provides him/her with opportunities to exercise his/her individual initiative when dealing with clients and their business needs.

Being somewhat independent, SAMPLE may find different ways to deal with unusual circumstances. His/Her resourcefulness may be helpful in both the service and sales aspects of customer care.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe the work environment that you found most suitable. Why does it work for you?

  • How much structure are you willing to accept in a customer care role?

  • Outline a situation where you worked in a very unstructured environment. What did you do to improve the situation?

  • Describe a situation where you were forced to develop new procedures. Were they implemented as new procedures?

Coaching Suggestions

  • SAMPLE may require coaching when integrating with very structured customer contact cultures or rigorously scripted processes. Encourage him/her to understand this aspect of him/herself to determine the best way for him/her to deal with these issues.

  • If he/she wants to make changes to a script or process, encourage him/her to develop prototypes for change and coach him/her on how to present them to management.

  • Assign him/her to unusual situations that will accommodate and reward independent action.

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Coach to Success (continued)

Comfort with Conflict

ComfortableAvoids Conflict

SAMPLE is relatively uncomfortable in situations where there is potential for conflict or conflict is a significant aspect of the work environment. Typically, he/she would be accommodating and polite to avoid conflict but can handle a minimal amount of conflict comfortably. Like many people, he/she would benefit from training in the skills and strategies that would build confidence and enhance his/her comfort dealing with conflict.

SAMPLE might not be effective dealing with angry customers or prospects on a consistent basis. Dealing with rejection or conflict could make him/her feel stressed.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe a working environment of yours that included a lot of conflict. How did you cope with the conflict?

  • How have you dealt with argumentative customers (or other people) in the past?

  • How long does it take for you to regain your composure after a high conflict situation?

Coaching Suggestions

  • SAMPLE would be more suitable for customer care roles where there is little conflict or that the process provides effective intervention to deal with it.

  • Help him/her deal with conflict by providing skills in conflict resolution and communications.

  • Provide him/her with strategies that will help respond effectively where he/she needs to assert him/herself.

  • Assertiveness training may help SAMPLE feel more comfortable with conflict.

  • Help him/her realize that most conflict situations arise from circumstances outside of his/her control. Stress management techniques could prove helpful.

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Communication Style

Social Orientation

Warm/Friendly/SociableBuilds Relationships over Longer Term

SAMPLE is generally sociable, friendly and outgoing. He/She is at ease building relationships and is quite comfortable with other people. He/She will be able to work well in an environment where there is regular contact with people, either with a well established customer base or new customers.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe your approach to building an effective relationship with someone you have just met.

  • Do you use the same approach on the telephone as in person?

  • What are your goals with regard to growth in interpersonal areas?

  • What are you doing to improve your communication skills?

Coaching Suggestions

  • Build conscious competence by helping him/her understand that the ability to work well with others is a strength in any career path and that this can be one of his/her strengths.

  • SAMPLE's comfort interacting with others will be an asset in many career paths if he/she has developed his/her social and communication skills.

  • Coach him/her to develop his/her knowledge of business applications so that he/she can interact with client groups and demonstrate that their needs are understood.

  • Suggest that he/she give presentations at meetings with clients and peers.

  • SAMPLE's comfort dealing with others may help him/her be an effective coach or mentor in areas where he/she has demonstrable expertise.

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Communication Style (cont'd)

Analytical Orientation

Systematic/AnalyticalLearns the Necessities

SAMPLE would be described as reasonably analytical and attentive to detail. He/She would be comfortable with a balanced mix of technical and non-technical issues as well as some problem solving as part of his/her work. He/She would be willing to attend training sessions and learn the skills that are essential to perform the job effectively but he/she would not necessarily regard extra training or learning new skills as an incentive.

Interview Suggestions

  • What is the ideal mix of technical and non-technical aspects in a position?

  • Describe a situation where you were able to solve a problem that others had not been able to handle.

  • What are some of the current developments that could have impact on how we care for our customers?

Coaching Suggestions

  • Assign him/her to customer care roles where there is a balance between using his/her analytical skills and interacting effectively with other people.

  • SAMPLE will enjoy developing new solutions, problem solving and continuous learning.

  • Consult with him/her on his/her training needs to avoid investing in unnecessary training.

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Feels in Control/Internally DirectedFeels Controlled by External Factors

SAMPLE shows signs of having a very low level of self-confidence at this time. Perhaps he/she has experienced a recent setback or trauma and is working to get his/her confidence back. With this profile, it is unlikely that he/she will feel that he/she has much control over events and this may affect his/her performance. Self-confidence is very important in any task. It can be re-built by focusing on the positive accomplishments of the individual.

Interview Suggestions

    Coaching Suggestions

    • Explore his/her reasons for the apparent lack of confidence and develop a plan to address them.

    • Remind him/her of his/her competencies and strengths.

    • Encourage him/her to take advantage of the support provided by management and peers.

    • When he/she does something well, remind him/her that he/she did it him/herself.

    • If he/she struggles with some issues, do not focus on them. Help him/her by providing opportunities to succeed.

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    Attitudes (continued)

    Lifestyle Management

    Handling Stress WellStress Management Training Would Help

    SAMPLE is currently showing signs that he/she is experiencing difficulty managing energy and dealing effectively with stress. People who are not dealing effectively with stress have difficulty with consistent performance and may need support from an understanding manager. Fast paced and/or intense roles with demanding clients would not be a good fit for SAMPLE as long as he/she is having difficulty coping.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • Help SAMPLE discover and understand the nature and sources of his/her stress.

    • Help him/her evaluate his/her stress coping strategies to determine their effectiveness.

    • Coach him/her with new strategies and/or provide him/her with stress management training.

    • Follow up to determine whether he/she is integrating new stress management techniques into his/her daily routines.

    • Do not give him/her additional responsibilities until he/she demonstrates better coping skills.

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    Attitudes (continued)

    Approach to Networking/Self-Promotion


    SAMPLE will be reluctant to promote the organization in his/her natural market and would avoid business networking at both formal and informal social gatherings. SAMPLE would need coaching on the benefits of consistent prospecting and networking to be comfortable selling additional services. An extremely strong commitment to product and a well developed sales track or approach would be pre-requisites to consistent activity and high level performance as a salesperson for either him/herself or the company. If he/she is required to sell as part of his/her customer contact role, he/she is likely to find it difficult to cope with rejection.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • If SAMPLE is required to promote him/herself or the company's products and services, it is important to help him/her develop his/her level of comfort with networking and self-promotion. Most customer care roles require good communication skills, an effective approach to people and comfort with these issues.

    • To improve his/her comfort with networking, he/she may need coaching on how to discover the interests of the people with whom he/she wishes to network and how to use (that information effectively.

    • Encourage him/her to develop a list of the positive aspects of him/herself, the products and services that he/she wishes to promote and the company. Help him/her focus on these positive aspects when asked about any of them.

    • Help SAMPLE understand that rejection of a sales initiative during customer contact is not personal. Prospective customers may be disinterested or the timing may not be right but almost never is the rejection personal.

    Listening Style

    Very Good ListenerNeeds Coaching

    SAMPLE's responses indicate that he/she may have some areas for growth in his/her approach to listening. SAMPLE may show some difficulty listening attentively to others for longer periods of time. He/She may also need development in actively listening to the needs and/or concerns of customers. SAMPLE's approach to listening may be a concern in areas that involve considerable interaction with customers, peers or others.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • SAMPLE would benefit from some coaching to enhance his/her approach to listening and enable him/her to be a more attentive and effective listener. A mentor would be helpful if he/she is to be a more effective listener.

    • It may be possible to develop his/her approach to listening through role-playing potential interactions that SAMPLE will encounter with customers. SAMPLE would also benefit from training in methods of handling specific customer and/or other business interactions.

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    Emotional Intelligence

    EQ Definition: The ability to understand and apply emotional information about ourselves and others effectively.

    Labels feelings and emotions as they are happeningDoes not label feelings and emotions as they are happening
     A measure of a person's ability to accurately label personal feelings and emotions.

    High monitoringOptimal monitoringLow monitoring
     A measure of the amount of energy a person puts forth in monitoring his/her own feelings and emotions.

    Demonstrates good self controlLow control over impulses and negative emotions
     A measure of a person's restraint as it relates to one's control over his/her impulses, emotions, and/or desires.

    PerseveresFocus can change
     A measure of a person's ability to manage emotional influences that would prevent him/her from taking those actions that he/she believes are necessary in dealing effectively with everyday situations and/or meeting personal goals.

    Recognizes emotions in othersLow awareness of emotions of others
     A measure of a person's ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others.

    Uses knowledge of the emotions of others in decision-makingDoes not factor in the emotions of others in decision-making
     A measure of a person's ability to make appropriate decisions in social situations based on the emotional states of others.

    Understands & uses emotional informationRelies on non-emotional information
     An overall measure of how well a person understands emotional information and uses it effectively.

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          -9      -14      25      17      25
          SC      LM      NSP      LS      UC
    41 31 19 40
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    Responses from Attitude/Opinions Section

    1=Don't Agree At All2=Agree A Little3=Somewhat Agree4=Moderately Agree5=Definitely Agree

    1.  Effort gets results (1)
    2.  I thrive under pressure (2)
    3.  I rarely interrupt others while they are speaking (3)
    4.  I often discuss my career with friends (3)
    5.  I am often influenced by others (2)
    6.  I would have difficulty integrating a demanding career into my lifestyle (1)
    7.  I have never told a lie (2)
    8.  I would not like to be a sales person (2)
    9.  Most mistakes can be avoided (3)
    10.  I am comfortable with changes in technology (2)
    11.  I like to hear people fully explain their point of view (4)
    12.  I avoid actions that might make people dislike me (2)
    13.  People's good qualities are seldom recognized (2)
    14.  I sometimes lack the energy to perform important tasks (4)
    15.  Most conversations take too long (1)
    16.  It is important that people approve of me (1)
    17.  I am good at most things that I try to do (4)
    18.  I stay focused on my priorities (1)
    19.  After listening to an interesting anecdote, I like to describe a similar situation involving me (1)
    20.  Sales people have a positive public image (4)
    21.  Success is mostly luck (4)
    22.  I often allow my attitude to affect my performance negatively (1)
    23.  All my habits are good and desirable ones (2)
    24.  I am comfortable when people do not agree with me (3)
    25.  People get the respect that they deserve (1)
    26.  I generally have a positive attitude towards work (3)
    27.  I have never broken a rule (1)
    28.  I am persistent in getting others to agree with my point of view (1)
    29.  It is impossible to change company procedures (3)
    30.  I find it difficult to manage my professional demands (3)
    31.  I prefer to listen in conversations (2)
    32.  I find it easy to make new acquaintances (4)
    33.  Hard work brings success (2)
    34.  I excel in a dynamic environment (2)
    35.  I consciously pause before responding to others (1)
    36.  I am comfortable promoting my ideas to friends and associates (1)
    37.  Plans never work out (3)
    38.  I often avoid difficult tasks (3)
    39.  I have never been late for work or for an appointment (2)
    40.  In a group, I feel uncomfortable if a person does not like me (3)
    41.  I create opportunities (2)
    42.  I take care of myself with good daily habits (1)
    43.  I try to do most of the talking when presenting materials to others (2)
    44.  I have been successful in developing a large network of people (3)
    45.  Compliments make me uncomfortable (2)
    46.  I have difficulty coping with daily job challenges (3)
    47.  I have never boasted or bragged (3)
    48.  I adapt to what others expect of me (3)
    49.  A good plan can avoid mistakes (1)
    50.  Stress improves my performance (2)
    51.  After listening to someone talk, I repeat the important points back to them to ensure my understanding (2)
    52.  I often refer people to my family and friends (4)
    53.  Hard work does not always get results (3)
    54.  To be effective on the job, I need more energy (2)
    55.  I make sure others have finished speaking before I respond (4)
    56.  Informal social events are a good source of business contacts (4)
    57.  I find it easy to talk about myself (3)
    58.  Regular habits are an important part of my success (2)
    59.  I have never said anything unkind about anyone else (3)
    60.  I have met very few people whom I did not like (3)
    61.  I am distracted easily (4)
    62.  Professional demands often interfere with my lifestyle (4)
    63.  People take too long to get to the point (4)
    64.  I get upset when sales people call me at home (3)
    65.  I am a confident person (4)
    66.  I can concentrate on my work for long periods of time (3)
    67.  I will interrupt other people to provide an answer to their question (4)
    68.  To be successful in my career, I must change my image (4)
    69.  My performance depends on the situation (4)
    70.  To be effective, I need to make several lifestyle changes (4)
    71.  No one is ever rude to me (4)
    72.  I would rather talk to a client on the telephone than in person (2)
    73.  I am successful in most aspects of my life (1)
    74.  Work does not get me down (4)
    75.  I enjoy listening to other people (1)
    76.  Most people would prefer not to deal with salespeople any more than necessary (3)
    77.  I am reluctant to make decisions (3)
    78.  Lifestyle demands have interfered with my career success (2)
    79.  I have never made a mistake (1)
    80.  To perform up to my potential, I must have total belief in my job (1)
    81.  I take time to reflect on my accomplishments (2)
    82.  I enjoy pressure on the job (1)
    83.  I give others my undivided attention when they are speaking to me (4)
    84.  I have bought a product or service mainly because of the salesperson (2)
    85.  I let the organization define my training needs (3)
    86.  People do not understand the pressures of my job (3)
    87.  I prefer to ask very specific questions that require only a 'yes/no' answer (2)
    88.  My business contacts are a good source of future sales (3)
    89.  Effort is entirely my responsibility (4)
    90.  I manage stress effectively (1)
    91.  I have a tendency to finish other people's sentences (3)
    92.  To be a successful salesperson, it is necessary to get potential buyers to like me (2)
    93.  Others have interfered with my success (1)
    94.  It is difficult to establish job priorities (2)
    95.  I am not a good listener (3)
    96.  I feel comfortable promoting myself and my company at social gatherings (1)
    ©1979-2025 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd

    Contact Center POP™

    Personal Feedback

    for SAMPLE SAMPLE October 5, 2022


    General Recommendations1
    What to Seek & Avoid in Your Career Path2
    Summary of Strengths3
    Communication Style5
    Self-Confidence & Lifestyle Management6
    Career Building Attitudes7

    The Contact Center POP™ is designed to provide you with real information about yourself that you can use. By identifying and understanding your personal strengths, you will be able to take advantage of them in both your personal and professional activities. This profile will provide you with suggestions on how to do that and help you identify growth areas as well. We trust you will find this information useful and wish you every success.
    John C. Marshall, Ph.D.

     Contact Center POP™ (ID# FDY1VPGDBXJA for SAMPLE SAMPLE on October 5, 2022)Page 1 


    An Overview of Your Customer Care Profile
    Your overall profile shows that you would be well suited to a career that balances planned work objectives with your own goals. You would prefer a well-defined career path that provides you with the opportunity to manage and monitor your own progress within it. Your best fit would be in a modestly structured organization that provides suitable feedback and a clear path to more senior roles. Working towards well-defined project goals as an individual within a team or working within a support organization could be good fits for you. Explore the possibilities within any new career direction with someone already in that career.

    Your Most Effective Self-management Style
    People see you as being responsive to others and very agreeable and considerate when in unfamiliar situations. You will be able to self manage most effectively in situations that are well documented and/or similar to your previous experience.

    Your Motivational Structure
    You would be described as driven by the need to achieve. You like to set goals and achieve them on a regular basis. You have a considerable sense of urgency about getting things done and like to find ways to measure your success. You set high standards for yourself and your level of income may be one of the ways that you measure your achievements. At times you may set standards that are too high and when working with others, you may become impatient, if their goal orientation does not match your own.

    Your Preferred Approach to Being a Team Member or Team Leader
    You are a relatively independent person who would enjoy a leadership role where you are able to implement change as part of a team environment. You are comfortable integrating with structure or creating your own as needed.

    Your Preferred Social Interaction Style
    You are generally sociable, friendly and outgoing. You build relationships easily and are generally quite comfortable in a role that requires building relationships and a fair amount of interaction with other people.

    Your Technical/Practical Orientation
    You are quite analytical and practical. You enjoy a certain amount of problem solving as part of your work and pay attention to quality. Your highly analytical nature is consistent with many IT and technology related roles if combined with the appropriate background and skill set.

    Your Feelings about Self-Confidence and Managing Stress
    Your confidence appears to be very low at this time, perhaps related to recent events in your life. Personal and/or professional setbacks can have a negative impact on confidence but you can rebuild your confidence to be at your best.

    You are currently showing signs of having difficulty managing your energy and dealing effectively with stress. People who are not dealing effectively with stress have difficulty with consistent performance and may need support from an understanding supervisor.

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    Career Path Characteristics to Seek

    • Seek situations that are similar to your previous experience that will allow you to use that experience and build upon it. Look for a management structure that will provide consistent clear feedback. You will feel most comfortable in well-planned projects, which may include a service and support role.

    • Seek career situations that take advantage of your technical knowledge and provide you with the opportunity to be creative. Look for career opportunities that will provide training to develop your strengths as well as technical specialists who can deal with issues beyond your current level of expertise.

    • Look for a career path that provides structure in which you will feel able to grow. You would be most comfortable in an environment that permits change. Seek an organization that provides an opportunity to work independently within a team environment.

    • Look for an environment which balances regular contact with clients, users and your peer group while giving you the opportunity to work on technical or support issues as well.

    • Look for a career path that lets you achieve your own goals on a regular basis while providing the products and services needed by your clients and customers. Seek a career that provides a mixture of meaningful work with short-term performance goals leading to your longer term organizational and career targets.

    Career Path Characteristics to Avoid

    • Avoid roles that are unfamiliar and do not take advantage of your skills and competencies. Avoid unstructured situations where the management system and structure does not recognize your accomplishments or provide constructive feedback.

    • Avoid careers where there is not much opportunity for technical growth. Avoid roles that do not provide much variety or opportunity for creativity.

    • Avoid very structured or regulated environments that require your adherence to procedures and existing systems. Avoid any career that is strictly team oriented.

    • Avoid situations that do not provide opportunities to interact with others on a regular basis. Avoid career paths that are primarily public relations.

    • Avoid careers that do not provide you with regular challenges. Avoid careers that do not allow you to set your own short-term goals and work toward them. Avoid a career that awards people for attendance rather than performance. Careers that have a limitation on either performance or income do not suit you.
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    Enterprising Potential
    People would see you as occasionally competitive and somewhat assertive and aggressive in specific situations. Within an established job, with a structured work situation, you would tend to stand out as an exceptionally well-organized person who could be depended upon to get the job done. With specific training in such areas as time management and planning, and with the opportunity to apply these newly developed skills in a job, you could become an even more valuable and valued employee in an organization that requires some flexibility and adaptability to change in its workers. You are responsive to others and will tend to seek guidance from your project leader or manager whenever goals are unclear. You will be most comfortable in a situation that is well documented and/or similar to your previous experience.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • Seek well documented projects and environments.
    • Make a habit of planning your daily activity and reviewing it on a daily basis.
    • Make use of your previous experience in familiar situations and apply those things that worked well to your new environment.
    • Seek situations that are similar to your previous experience that will allow you to use that experience and build upon it.
    • Seek a project leader or manager who will provide you with enough information to do your work effectively.

    Achievement Potential
    You would be described as highly motivated by challenge, task oriented and occasionally quite impatient. You have a good deal of drive and enjoy regular challenge in your work. You are most likely to become impatient when there is little progress in a task or project involving you and may become frustrated when others are not as motivated as you are. You would like to build your career in an atmosphere where you would be able to measure your progress on a daily basis. You would be best suited to projects that are less than a year in length with achievable goals.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • Your drive can be a positive force for you by helping you to seek new challenges and to be the best you can be at what you do. Make certain that you assess your short-term personal goals regularly and are certain that they are leading you to your longer-term objectives.
    • Your high achievement orientation can create a sense of frustration if the goals you set are too hard and a sense of non-achievement if they are too easily achieved so look for reasonable targets and stretch your limits gradually. For example, if you are able to quantify your work, establish numerical targets and gradually increase them.
    • Take advantage of your motivational profile by using your drive and sense of urgency to meet your daily goals.
    • Getting into the habit of achieving your daily goals makes it easier to achieve on a regular basis and helps you grow.
    • Self-management and motivation go hand in hand. If you are not meeting your goals regularly, you need to develop your self-management strategies or you will find yourself burning out.

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    SUMMARY OF STRENGTHS (continued)

    Environmental Fit (Team Orientation)
    You would be described as somewhat strong-minded, stubborn and reasonably independent. You can accept moderate levels of supervision, and in these circumstances, you would develop some practical alternatives for achieving objectives. You will generally follow existing systems and procedures unless they seem to be holding you back rather than helping you to do your job properly. You will assess the existing systems and procedures regularly and may provide your feedback to management. You could follow your own instincts to satisfy an internal or external client when the existing procedures do not do so. This approach could be a strength in areas where there are few guidelines and individual initiative is an important aspect of satisfying a client. You would be most comfortable in an environment that permits change.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • Seek an environment that is relatively loosely structured.
    • If you find yourself in a very structured environment, look for ways to simplify the structure so that you can meet its requirements with less non-productive effort.
    • Develop simple systems and procedures that will enhance your work environment for both you and your peers.
    • Look for roles that allow you to innovate.

    Comfort with Conflict
    You are relatively uncomfortable in situations where there is conflict or potential for it. Like many people, you will be able to deal with it but would prefer to avoid it.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • When faced with conflict, work to maintain your composure even when others are being unreasonable.
    • Investigate such issues as assertiveness training and conflict resolution strategies that will allow you to feel more comfortable with conflict.

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    Social Orientation
    You are generally sociable, friendly and outgoing. You have little difficulty in building relationships and are generally comfortable with other people. You should be able to work well in an environment where there is regular contact with new customers or with a well-established client base.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • Evaluate your strengths as a listener. Make certain that, as a rule, you let people explain themselves thoroughly before offering your views.
    • Evaluate your performance as both a listener and a contributor at meetings with users, clients and peers. Do you respond to others or follow your own agenda?
    • Work on public speaking through community service or by taking formal courses.
    • When making a presentation, work on such skills as timing, breaking the ice with humorous remarks and speaking directly to members of the audience.

    Analytical Orientation
    You are comfortable in situations that combine both technical and non-technical issues. You would enjoy a certain amount of analysis and problem solving in your work but not exclusively. You might be willing to attend training sessions and would enjoy getting to know all of the basics that are needed to perform the job effectively but would not necessarily regard extra training as an incentive.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • Look for projects and assignments where there is a balance between using your analytical skills and dealing with clients and other people.
    • Seek projects that make use of your existing technical strengths while you develop a strategy to improve yourself in the areas of critical importance to the organization.
    • Make certain that you are familiar with the key competencies you will need to grow within your career path and the industry.
    • Review your technical development strategy with an experienced mentor.

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    Your confidence appears to be very low at this time, perhaps related to recent events in your life. Personal and/or professional setbacks can have a negative impact on confidence but you can rebuild your confidence to be at your best.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • Evaluate the things that have happened that may have made you feel lacking in confidence and determine which ones you can address.
    • Develop a workable plan to address those which you can address and avoid dwelling on those which you cannot.
    • You have many strengths as a person: focus on these.
    • Take advantage of the support provided by your friends and other positive people.
    • When you do something well, congratulate yourself.

    Lifestyle Management
    You are currently showing signs of having difficulty managing your energy and dealing effectively with stress. People who are not dealing effectively with stress have difficulty with consistent performance and may need support from an understanding supervisor. Fast paced and/or complex positions with demanding clients would not be a good fit for you as long as you are having difficulty coping.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • List all the things that may be causing you (additional) stress and evaluate whether your approach to coping with these stressors is effective.
    • Identify essential and non-essential responsibilities and focus on the ones that need to be handled.
    • Seek to view stress as a challenge.
    • Identify negative thinking and behavior patterns and replace them with more positive ones.
    • Seek the advice of other people who are coping with some of the same issues that you are.

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    Approach to Networking/Self-Promotion
    You would tend to be reluctant to approach specific contacts in your natural market and might avoid business networking at both formal and informal social gatherings. You would need coaching on the benefits of consistent prospecting and networking. An extremely strong commitment to product and a well developed sales track or approach would be prerequisites to consistent activity and high-level performance as a sales person for yourself or your organization.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • If you are interested in a career where you must promote yourself or your company's products and services, it is important to develop your level of comfort with networking and self-promotion. Most careers of this type require good communication skills, an effective approach to people and comfort with these issues.
    • If you want to improve your comfort with networking, learn to be a good listener first and discover what interests the people with whom you wish to network.
    • Develop a list of the positive aspects of yourself, the products and services that you wish to promote and your organization. Focus on those when asked about any of them.

    Listening Skills
    Your responses indicate that you may have some areas for growth in your approach to listening. You may have some difficulty listening attentively to others for long periods of time. You may also need development in actively listening to the needs and/or concerns of clients, peers and others. Your approach to listening may be a concern in areas that involve considerable interaction with clients.

    Coaching Suggestions

    • You could benefit from some coaching to enhance your approach to listening and enable you to be a more attentive and effective listener. A mentor would be helpful if you are to be a more effective consultant.
    • It may be possible to develop your approach to listening through role-playing potential interactions that you will encounter with clients, peers or others. You would also benefit from training in methods of handling specific client and/or other business interactions.

    ©1979-2025 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd