49. | A good plan can avoid mistakes (1) |
50. | Stress improves my performance (2) |
51. | After listening to someone talk, I repeat the important points back to them to ensure my understanding (2) |
52. | I often refer people to my family and friends (4) |
53. | Hard work does not always get results (3) |
54. | To be effective on the job, I need more energy (2) |
55. | I make sure others have finished speaking before I respond (4) |
56. | Informal social events are a good source of business contacts (4) |
57. | I find it easy to talk about myself (3) |
58. | Regular habits are an important part of my success (2) |
59. | I have never said anything unkind about anyone else (3) |
60. | I have met very few people whom I did not like (3) |
61. | I am distracted easily (4) |
62. | Professional demands often interfere with my lifestyle (4) |
63. | People take too long to get to the point (4) |
64. | I get upset when sales people call me at home (3) |
65. | I am a confident person (4) |
66. | I can concentrate on my work for long periods of time (3) |
67. | I will interrupt other people to provide an answer to their question (4) |
68. | To be successful in my career, I must change my image (4) |
69. | My performance depends on the situation (4) |
70. | To be effective, I need to make several lifestyle changes (4) |
71. | No one is ever rude to me (4) |
72. | I would rather talk to a client on the telephone than in person (2) |
73. | I am successful in most aspects of my life (1) |
74. | Work does not get me down (4) |
75. | I enjoy listening to other people (1) |
76. | Most people would prefer not to deal with salespeople any more than necessary (3) |
77. | I am reluctant to make decisions (3) |
78. | Lifestyle demands have interfered with my career success (2) |
79. | I have never made a mistake (1) |
80. | To perform up to my potential, I must have total belief in my job (1) |
81. | I take time to reflect on my accomplishments (2) |
82. | I enjoy pressure on the job (1) |
83. | I give others my undivided attention when they are speaking to me (4) |
84. | I have bought a product or service mainly because of the salesperson (2) |
85. | I let the organization define my training needs (3) |
86. | People do not understand the pressures of my job (3) |
87. | I prefer to ask very specific questions that require only a 'yes/no' answer (2) |
88. | My business contacts are a good source of future sales (3) |
89. | Effort is entirely my responsibility (4) |
90. | I manage stress effectively (1) |
91. | I have a tendency to finish other people's sentences (3) |
92. | To be a successful salesperson, it is necessary to get potential buyers to like me (2) |
93. | Others have interfered with my success (1) |
94. | It is difficult to establish job priorities (2) |
95. | I am not a good listener (3) |
96. | I feel comfortable promoting myself and my company at social gatherings (1) |