


LPOP# PPTKQSB4A2BP for SAMPLE SAMPLE on October 2, 2022

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1. Life-Long Learning
Strength Growth Opportunity
2. Strategic Thinking
Strength Growth Opportunity
3. Results Orientation
Strength Growth Opportunity
4. Coaching
Strength Growth Opportunity
5. Communicating
Strength Growth Opportunity
6. Collaboration
Strength Growth Opportunity
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 Outgoing; personable; empathetic Builds relationships gradually
 Highly analytical Learns only what is necessary
      46      48      5
      SD      LM      UC
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Responses from Opinions Section

1=Don't Agree At All2=Agree A Little3=Somewhat Agree4=Moderately Agree5=Definitely Agree

1.  I have never made a mistake (1)
2.  I thrive under pressure (4)
3.  I have little influence over my work environment (1)
4.  Effort gets results (5)
5.  I have never told a lie (1)
6.  My work has no effect on my attitude (3)
7.  My current job is quite satisfying (5)
8.  Chance determines most things (2)
9.  I would have difficulty integrating a demanding career into my lifestyle (1)
10.  Things don't get me down (4)
11.  I am often influenced by others (2)
12.  I sometimes have difficulty completing important tasks (1)
13.  I am reluctant to make decisions (2)
14.  I am an underachiever (1)
15.  I am good at most things that I try to do (4)
16.  No one is ever rude to me (1)
17.  I allow my attitude to negatively affect my performance (1)
18.  People get the respect they deserve (4)
19.  I generally have a very positive attitude toward work (5)
20.  There is little opportunity for growth in my current job (1)
21.  All my habits are good and desirable ones (3)
22.  People's good qualities are seldom recognized (3)
23.  I have never broken a rule (1)
24.  Hard work brings success (1)
25.  It is difficult to balance personal and professional demands (2)
26.  I have never been late for work or for an appointment (1)
27.  I find it very easy to 'wind down' (1)
28.  Success is mostly luck (1)
29.  Sometimes I have doubts about the whole course of my life (2)
30.  Employees often influence company policies (4)
31.  I usually feel very happy and content (5)
32.  I am a confident person (5)
33.  I am usually relaxed (3)
34.  Regular habits are an important part of my success (4)
35.  Promotions are seldom based on performance (1)
36.  I create opportunities (5)
37.  Mistakes are inevitable (5)
38.  Most of my jobs have been quite stressful (4)
39.  I have difficulty coping with daily job challenges (2)
40.  I have never said anything unkind about anyone else (1)
41.  The right decision can change things (5)
42.  Most mistakes can be avoided (5)
43.  I can concentrate on things over long periods of time (5)
44.  Other people have interfered with my success (1)
45.  I always have a good attitude (4)
46.  It is impossible to change company procedures (1)
47.  To be effective, I need to make several lifestyle changes (2)
48.  I have never boasted or bragged (1)
49.  A good plan can avoid mistakes (4)
50.  I manage stress effectively (4)
51.  Plans never work out (1)
52.  I often avoid difficult tasks (2)
53.  There is no such thing as luck (2)
54.  I am comfortable with changes in technology (3)
55.  Things happen mostly by accident (1)
56.  Lifestyle demands have interfered with my career success (2)
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 LeaderPOP™ (LPOP# PPTKQSB4A2BP for SAMPLE SAMPLE on October 2, 2022)Page 5 

Enterprising Potential (E.P.)
In leadership environments, his/her strength on the E.P. Scale would indicate very strong potential for demonstrating personal initiative and proactivity. He/She should have a natural inclination towards being an effective self-manager. Given coaching to enhance planning and time management skills, he/she should be able to make a routine of the daily effort required to meet competing priorities and drive organizational initiatives.

Achievement Potential (A.P.)
The A.P. Scale result is of great importance, second only to the results obtained by the candidate on the E.P. Scale. This is a very strong score and suggests that he/she needs and thrives on challenge and will push hard for results. He/She will be so eager to get into the work situation that he/she may not pay enough attention to learning how to do things the right way. He/She will probably respond best if his/her coaching is concise and of reasonably short duration.

Independence Potential (I.P.)
It appears that the I.P. Scale has its greatest usefulness in selection in distinguishing between the Above Average and the Superior potential individuals. With this extremely high level result on the I.P. Scale, this person will inevitably rebel against any tightly controlled work situation and should be comfortable in a leadership role. If you can give him/her lots of freedom of action once he/she demonstrates that he/she has earned it through performance, then he/she might stay with you. Control him/her too much or for too long and he/she will leave.

People Orientation (P.O.)
This is an acceptable result on the P.O. Scale. Generally a result like this has no bearing, either positive or negative, on selection recommendations.

Investigative Orientation (INV.)
This INV. Score is very low. If yours is a business which demands a lot of initial or ongoing technical learning, he/she will have difficulty finding satisfaction or perhaps even coping acceptably with this aspect of the job. Indeed, learning requirements and a requirement for attention to detail would potentially be a negative factor of the job.

Comfort with Conflict (CWC)
SAMPLE has the potential to be quite comfortable in situations where there is conflict such as an angry or upset coworker. His/Her comfort with conflict can be a strength in situations where conflict is a common occurrence or there is ongoing tension that may require his/her intervention. People with SAMPLE's level of comfort with conflict may even occasionally create conflict to further their own goals or to enhance performance.

Self-Directed (SD)
This result shows a better-than-average sense of self-confidence, and a belief that he/she is generally in control of much of his/her own life.

Lifestyle Management (LM)
With this high-average result, he/she indicates that whatever his/her current stress situation is, he/she is handling it well.

Uncertainty Coefficient (UC)
SAMPLE has an acceptable score on the UC scale indicating that he/she is not answering in a socially desirable manner. His/Her answers on the attitude scales tend to be reliable.
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The ability to understand and apply emotional information about ourselves and others effectively.

Labels feelings and emotions as they are happeningDoes not label feelings and emotions as they are happening
 A measure of a person's ability to accurately label personal feelings and emotions.

High monitoringOptimal monitoringLow monitoring
 A measure of the amount of energy a person puts forth in monitoring his/her own feelings and emotions.

Demonstrates good self controlLow control over impulses and negative emotions
 A measure of a person's restraint as it relates to one's control over his/her impulses, emotions, and/or desires.

PerseveresFocus can change
 A measure of a person's ability to manage emotional influences that would prevent him/her from taking those actions that he/she believes are necessary in dealing effectively with everyday situations and/or meeting personal goals.

Recognizes emotions in othersLow awareness of emotions of others
 A measure of a person's ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others.

Uses knowledge of the emotions of others in decision-makingDoes not factor in the emotions of others in decision-making
 A measure of a person's ability to make appropriate decisions in social situations based on the emotional states of others.

Understands & uses emotional informationRelies on non-emotional information
 An overall measure of how well a person understands emotional information and uses it effectively.

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Enterprising Potential (E.P.)

  • Describe a situation where you had to meet an urgent deadline but you had competing priorities and an unusual demand on your time. How did you manage the situation? What was the outcome? Is there anything you would do differently in future situations?

  • Describe a situation where you had to introduce a major change in the organization. What was your approach? Were the changes supported by the people affected by them? How did you get their support?

  • Describe a situation where you developed an initiative that required coordinating the efforts of several departments or individuals. How did you establish the initiative? What sort of political resistance did you encounter? How did you deal with it? How did you develop teamwork during the project? How successful was the initiative? Why or why not?

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Achievement Potential (A.P.)

  • Provide an example of a time when you achieved outstanding productivity in a job or particular task. What motivated your behavior in this situation? How was your behavior reinforced or rewarded?

  • Describe a time when you had difficulty achieving a desired results. What steps did you take to persevere and what was the outcome?

  • Provide an example of a challenging experience you have encountered while trying to achieve your targets on a project or an initiative. What did you find challenging and what steps did you take to overcome this and meet your goals?

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Independence Potential (I.P.)

  • Provide an example of a time when you had an important goal to accomplish that involved working within a predetermined structure and set of rules. How did you accomplish your goal despite the constraints placed upon you?

    What did you find difficult about the situation? What did you enjoy about the situation?

  • Describe a situation when you had to provide regular structure and support for others on your team in order for them to effectively meet their ongoing targets. How were you able to meet the team's ongoing training and coaching needs? What challenges did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

  • Describe the most favorable work environment that you have experienced. What type of supervision and coaching did you receive? What were your responsibilities around providing coaching and support to others?

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People Orientation (P.O.)

  • Describe a first-time meeting with a new coworker. How did you engage with this person?

  • Describe a situation in which you had to work with somebody you didn't know very well. How did you work together to achieve the goal?

  • Provide an example of when you led a team of people who had different levels of sociability in completing a project or initiative. What strategies did you use to bring your team together to ensure the project was successfully completed?

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Investigative Orientation (INV.)

  • Discuss a time when you undertook a learning opportunity that was outside of the scope of your current role, but important for your career. What sort of time, effort and resources did you invest in this opportunity? Why was this undertaking important to you?

  • Provide an example of a time when you had to learn new factual and/or technical material in a short period of time. How well were you able to succeed in this learning? What difficulties did you experience?

  • Describe a time when you had to make an important decision under high time pressure without a lot of information. How did you go about making this decision? What was the outcome? What would you do differently in the future?

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Comfort with Conflict (CWC)

  • Describe a situation where your ideas were challenged by somebody else. How did you respond? What was the final outcome?

  • Provide an example of how you have de-escalated a conflict in the workplace.

  • Describe a situation in which you had to deliver bad news or criticism to someone. What was their reaction, and how did you respond to the situation?

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Based on the Enterprising Potential (E.P.) Results

For a person showing such exceptionally strong self-management potential, the approach should be to build on those potential strengths by offering coaching to ensure the individual's existing self-managing behaviors are aligned with corporate strategy.

Based on the Achievement Potential (A.P.) Results

Maximize the strength of this individual by coaching on strategies to help him/her conduct business in an efficient manner. He/She would welcome a method to monitor his/her performance and to maximize the outcome of his/her commitment to striving for success. Emphasize the importance of managing relationships as a long-term business strategy.

Based on the Independence Potential (I.P.) Results

He/She will value coaching that seeks to obtain his/her commitment rather than compliance to the existing business systems. Associates must have the flexibility to feel comfortable with a strong-minded, independent leader. A well-focused and intensive learning experience that continues until he/she achieves a specific performance standard is recommended.

Based on the People Orientation (P.O.) Results

He/She will find satisfaction and productivity enhanced by working with a coach and colleagues who are similarly people oriented.

Based on the Investigative Orientation (INV.) Results

You will have to monitor him/her to ensure that he/she both learns and correctly employs any required technical knowledge.

Based on the Comfort with Conflict (CWC) Results

He/She can be effective in tense situations if he/she is coached to listen and address the concerns of others. SAMPLE may benefit from conflict resolution training.
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