
Telephone : 864-275-2880
Email : jane@smartworknetwork.com
Position :  
Requested By : Smart Work Assessments 


Snapshot of Sales Potential1
Background / Current Status2
Selection Questions3

#2G3FI7A5DAUT for SAMPLE SAMPLE on October 4, 2022

©1979-2025 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd

 POPScreen (#2G3FI7A5DAUT for SAMPLE SAMPLE on October 4, 2022)Page 1 


 Low Scores
Average Scores
May be O.K.
Power Scores
Should be O.K.
 A Good Prospector  Not Likely  With Training   COACH to Excellence 
 A Good Closer  Weak Closer  Soft/Persistent   Tough/Persistent 
 Chances for Survival  Risky  With+++Effort??   With Effort-Good 
 A People Person  Uninterested  People are O.K.   Definitely 
 $/Challenge Motivated  Very Little  Yes   Very Much 
 Managing Rejection  Very Sensitive  Needs Training   Coach to Success 
 Commitment to a Sales Career  Specific Careers Only  Selective Careers   High 


  1=Poor  2=Below Average  3=Average  4=Above Average  5=Excellent 
Talent (2.6)
Effort (1.9)
Opportunity (2.1)
Overall Rating (2.24)

 Proceed with Caution    

©1979-2025 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd
 POPScreen (#2G3FI7A5DAUT for SAMPLE SAMPLE on October 4, 2022)Page 2 


1. What is the highest level of education you attempted? High School or Trade School
2. Did you graduate? Still pursuing
3. How many years have you lived in your current city or town? 2 years
4. Select the one that reflects your situation Student
5. If unemployed, how many months have you been unemployed? 2
6. Job Title Sales Associate
7. # of years in job 2
8. What are your personal weekly earnings? $200 to $399
9. How many sources of income do you currently have? 1
10. Which of the following occupational groupings would best describe your current occupation? Employee, trade and skill
11. How adequate is your current income level? Not at all adequate
12. What is the major reason you are considering changing careers? Need more income
13. In your current industry, how much do you think the average experienced Sales Representative earns annually? Less than other types of Sales Representatives
14. What is the longest period of time you worked full time for one organization or in self-employment? 1 to 2 years
15. What would you rate your chances for advancement at your present job? Fair
16. How many full time jobs have you held in the last 5 years? 4
17. How many hours a week do you currently work? If you are currently unemployed or employed part time, use your last full time position. Less than 25 hours
18. To meet your financial commitments, how much annual income do you need to earn? Considerably more than my current income
19. If you have a geographical preference for work, please indicate.  
20. Others perceive me as a very hard worker. This statement is somewhat true
Referral Source
21. How were you referred to this website? Job Fair
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Enterprising Potential (E.P.) Selection Questions

  • How well have you fitted into an established position before? How quickly do you learn the job and how carefully do you follow the established procedures?

  • Are you willing to take personal and/or skills development training for current, new and long term job development, including any courses suggested on your own time and/or at outside agencies?

  • Do you have any specific examples of tasks or requirements in other jobs you may have had in the past which will show how you can take on a new job and fit into it quickly and effectively? Verify any examples by checking work references as a priority over personal references.

Achievement Potential (A.P.) Selection Questions

  • Tell me about your achievements over the past two to five years which your feel have the greatest satisfaction. What was the challenge or outcome of these accomplishments? What was the humanistic value of the accomplishments? Were the achievements job related, public service related, in sports or in education etc.?

  • Please provide any examples of work you have done in which there was some direct reward in terms of recognition etc. Have you ever undertaken a demanding learning/working experience because it would contribute to your career advancement? On what basis would you prefer to be judged in the future - performance in a bottom line sense, or performance in terms of the intrinsic human value you do for others?

  • Have you ever had any really good successes in work, in sports or in your personal life where you faced some real challenge and won? Check examples with references.

People Orientation (P.O.) Selection Questions

  • How do you feel about meeting and putting people at ease. Examples?

  • How well do you adjust to different personalities? Examples?

  • How do you feel about the importance of team work and good public relations in achieving company goals? Examples?

©1979-2025 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd