Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0)

Full Report - Adam Test

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Table of ContentsPage

Recommendation / Background2
Candidate Snapshot3
Performance Factors4
Communication Factors5
Attitudinal Factors6

The Contact Center Screen™ is designed to help managers / recruiters make an informed decision about the suitability of a particular candidate seeking employment in a contact center environment. As such, the Contact Center Screen™ highlights each candidate’s inherent strengths and growth opportunities as they pertain to success in a customer service role, allowing for strategic placement, selection, and coaching decisions to be made in an informed manner.

John C. Marshall, PhD

CCS2 #823017523203 for Adam Test on September 23, 2008

©2008, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.

 Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0) (CCS2 #823017523203 for Adam Test on September 23, 2008) Page 2 

Recommendation / Background

 Candidate Information: 
Name: Adam Test
Address: 123 Fake St.
Telephone: 123-456-7658
Email Address:
Desired Location: Test
Position: Customer Service


Conditionally Recommended


1. Select the response that best reflects your current situation. Employed Part-Time
2. If unemployed, how long have you been unemployed?  
3. If employed, how long have you been at your current job? 1 to 2 years
4. If employed, what is your current job title?  
5. What is the major reason you are currently looking for a job? Did not like job
6. How much experience have you had in a sales or service environment? 1 to 3 years
7. How many previous jobs have you had in the sales or service industry? 1
8. In your current position, what percentage of your time is spent interacting with customers? 50% - 75%
9. How many management or supervisory roles have you had? 2
10. How many different jobs have you held in the past 5 years? 4
11. Please rate your level of customer service ability. Excellent
12. Which of the following sales/service roles have you at least 6 months experience? Please select all that apply.  
Call Center Customer Service 
Call Center Technical Support 
Call Center Telesales 
Retail Sales/Service 
Financial Services 
13. How long would it take you to get to work at the location that you applied to? 30 minutes to 1 hour
14. Do you have any family members or friends that work for our company? Yes
15. What is your highest level of education? University/College Graduate
16. If you attended University / College, what was your course of study?  
Other Questions
17. Do you speak any other languages? If so, please specify.  
18. What is the best time to contact you? Afternoon
19. What is the best day to contact you?  
20. Will you be available to work evenings, weekends and/or statutory holidays? No
21. This position requires the use of a computer and keyboarding skills. Please rate your level of proficiency in this regard. Excellent
22. Working in a Contact Center will require the use of a telephone head set for an entire shift. How comfortable are you wearing a telephone headset on an on-going basis?  Very comfortable
23. How were you referred to this website?
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 Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0) (CCS2 #823017523203 for Adam Test on September 23, 2008) Page 3 

Candidate Snapshot

Enterprising Potential
High Initiative / Proactive Responsive
Sense of Urgency
Urgent / Impatient Relaxed / Calm
Independence Potential
Independent Prefers Structure
People Orientation
Outgoing / Sociable Builds Relationships Over Time
Analytical Orientation
Analytical Overlooks Detail
Comfort With Conflict
Very Comfortable With Conflict Avoids Conflict
Self Confidence
Very Confident Growth Opportunity
Lifestyle Management
Well Developed Coping Strategies Growth Opportunity
Attitudes About a Service Career
Very Positive Attitudes About A Service Career Negative Attitudes About A Service Career
Reliability of Results (Honesty Scale)
Potentially Unreliable Results Reliable Results
©2008, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.
 Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0) (CCS2 #823017523203 for Adam Test on September 23, 2008) Page 4 

Performance Factors

Enterprising Potential
High Initiative / Proactive Responsive

Adam would be described as possessing an average potential to self manage. As such, he will be comfortable in situations that require a balance between a responsive and proactive disposition. More specifically, Adam will be effective in environments that require responsiveness to customer and organizational needs combined with the need to plan and initiate additional tasks in a more independent manner. Overall, he will likely work most effectively with a manager who provides clear guidance and feedback, without being too controlling.

Interview Suggestions
1. How do you currently organize and prioritize your daily responsibilities?
2. Outline a situation where you had to respond to the needs of a demanding customer.
3. Describe a situation in which you took initiative. Is there anything you would do differently?

Sense of Urgency
Urgent / Impatient Relaxed / Calm

Adam possesses a modest sense of urgency and likely balances his efforts and motivation between short and long term goals. When interacting with customers, he will handle their needs in a timely manner, yet pay particular attention to being thorough and precise. Adam is a stable and dependable employee, and is very methodical and deliberate in all that he does.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe a situation where you had to complete a task under very tight time constraints. What strategies did you employ in order to be successful?
2. If you had a choice, would you prefer to work in an environment where you were responsible for several tasks at one time, or an environment where you could focus on just one task at a time? Explain your answer.
3. What are the things that motivate you to do well in a service-oriented role? Why?
4. Describe for me a situation that illustrates that you are a patient person.

Independence Potential
Independent Prefers Structure

Adam would be described as cooperative, obliging, efficient and conscientious. He would function most effectively in a group environment; however, one in which individual initiative is promoted and recognized. He will appreciate, and in some cases rely on, early supervision but will expect less guidance after gaining the relevant experience. He would be expected to integrate well within an organization's existing systems and work well with a group of peers who are similar in nature.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe the work environment that you have found most suitable to your personality.
2. What do you like most about working independently? In a group?
3. Describe your ideal manager.
4. Describe a situation where you worked independently in a group / team context. How did the group coordinate their efforts?

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 Contact Center Screen™ (Version 2.0) (CCS2 #823017523203 for Adam Test on September 23, 2008) Page 5 

Communication Factors

People Orientation
Outgoing / Sociable Builds Relationships Over Time

Adam is quite sociable, cheerful, friendly and outgoing. He is able to build relationships and friendships without difficulty and is quite comfortable when placed in general social situations. He will be able to work well in an environment where there is regular contact with customers and will likely network and promote your organization outside of work. It is likely that he would make a good representative in terms of presenting a positive company image and certainly possesses the social skills necessary to be effective in a sales/service role.

Interview Suggestions
1. How do you make people feel comfortable when your meet them?
2. What are your strategies when attempting to create repeat customers?
3. Evaluate your strengths as a communicator.
4. What are your goals with regard to growth in interpersonal areas? What steps have you taken to improve in these areas?

Analytical Orientation
Analytical Overlooks Detail

Adam would be described as practical and somewhat analytical. He would be comfortable in an environment with a balanced mix of technical and non-technical issues and some problem solving components. He would be willing to attend training sessions and learn the critical skills that are needed to perform the job more effectively; however, he would not necessarily regard extra training or research as an incentive. As a manager, coach him using a moderate amount of detail and explanation in order to obtain the best results.

Interview Suggestions
1. What attributes do you possess that make you a strong problem solver? Growth Opportunities?
2. Describe a situation where you had to learn a lot of new material. What strategies did you employ in order to retain all of the new information?
3. What are some of the current developments that could have an impact on this business? How would you keep informed of these changes?

Comfort With Conflict
Very Comfortable With Conflict Avoids Conflict

Adam is relatively comfortable in situations where there is some conflict but would be most at ease in an environment where conflict was neither the normal state of affairs, nor too intense. He is best suited to roles that deal with some conflict where the organization is prepared to invest in training and strategies that will help him resolve such situations effectively.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe one of your previous working environments that included a lot of argument and conflict. How did you manage to work effectively in this environment?
2. How would you handle an unruly (e.g., rude, profane, disrespectful) customer?
3. Describe a situation where you had to deal with an angry customer. What was the outcome? Is there anything you would do differently looking back?

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Attitudinal Factors

Self Confidence
Very Confident Growth Opportunity

Adam possesses a below average level of self-confidence. More specifically, he does not perceive himself as possessing the skills or abilities necessary to be successful in the service industry. Moreover, when asked about his success in other areas of his life, he repeatedly attributed success to external factors (e.g., luck). Research in psychology refers to the idea of a "Self Fulfilling Prophecy", where an individual's performance oftentimes aligns itself with their cognitive projection of their likelihood for success (i.e., how successful they think they will be). As such, candidates with extremely low levels of self-confidence should be screened thoroughly as part of the selection process, as their likelihood for success may be impeded by their current psychological state.

Interview Suggestions
1. What attributes do you possess that will allow you to be successful in the service industry?
2. What do you perceive to be your growth opportunities?
3. What steps have you taken to improve in these areas? How are you monitoring your progress?
4. If I had to ask your worst enemy to describe you, what would they say? (look for honest answers - indicates strong self awareness and confidence that the good outweighs the bad)

Lifestyle Management
Well Developed Coping Strategies Growth Opportunity

Adam's scores indicate that he has trouble managing stress on a relatively routine basis. More specifically, Adam does not appear to be a strong multi-tasker and therefore oftentimes finds himself feeling overwhelmed and ultimately stressed out. In addition, Adam does not appear to have well defined coping mechanisms in place, which would subsequently help buffer some of the perceived stress. Overall, he is extremely susceptible to burnout in the workplace and as such will require a manager who is flexible and can therefore modify his workload on occasion. Adam would likely benefit from some stress management training.

Interview Suggestions
1. Describe a situation where you had to multi-task. What was the outcome? What strategies did you use when dividing up your time?
2. How do you cope with stress? How effective has this strategy been for you in the past?
3. How can you improve in the area of stress management? Have you taken steps towards this improvement?

Attitudes About a Service Career
Very Positive Attitudes About A Service Career Negative Attitudes About A Service Career

Adam appears to be relatively ambivalent with respect to his attitudes about a career in the service industry. Overall, his responses are neither negative nor positive with respect to how he perceives a career in a contact center, with his responses to society's perception mirroring his own. Overall, Adam's attitude about a contact center career is likely not going to impede or facilitate his performance in the workplace.

Interview Suggestions
1. How does this job move you towards your long term career goal?
2. What do you see as the advantages of this job? Disadvantages?

Reliability of Results (Honesty Scale)
Potentially Unreliable Results Reliable Results

Adam's responses are above the cut-off for this scale. As such, Adam may have been trying to present himself in a socially desirable manner, in hopes of appearing as a stronger candidate. There are a variety of reasons why this score can be elevated (e.g., language barriers), however the most common reason is socially desirable responding. Please proceed with him cautiously.

©2008, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.